1782-05-10Pursuant to a law of this Commonwealth the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town th of Beverly qualified according to the Constitution, upon due warning given, met together the 10 day of May 1782 and then did elect Larkin Thorndike Esq. & Mr. Nathan Dane to represent them in the General Court appointed to be convened and held for the government service at the State House in Boston or such other place as may hereafter be appointed for the General Court to convene at agreeable to the Constitution upon the last Wednesday of May instant the said persons being chosen by the major part of the electors present at said Meeting and the Selectmen presided at said Meeting agreeable to the Constitution. Town meeting dissolved. th At a legal meeting of Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly May 10 1782. Josiah Batchelder Esq. was chosen Moderator. Voted. That the sum of eight hundred pounds be raised and assessed on the polls and estates of this Town, four hundred pounds for defraying the necessary charges arising within said Town and paying of the interest on the Town’s securities and £ 400 towards paying the Town’s debts and such part of said debts as the Town Treasurer and the Selectmen shall judge stand in most need of the same and will be most for the benefit of the Town to pay. Voted. That Robert Haskell be excused from paying his fine for not serving as Constable. Voted. That Israel Thorndike be excused from paying his fine for not serving as Constable and that William Hazeltine be chosen to serve Constable in his room, it going for said Israel Thorndike’s turn. Voted. That the article in the warrant relative to the powder delivered out of the Town stock be dismissed. Voted. That the Selectmen be a Committee to take under consideration the fifth article in the warrant relative to the claims on Frost Fish Brook landing and report to the Town what will be most proper to be done relative to the same. Voted. That the consideration of Capt. Eleazar Giles petition be referred to the next Town Meeting. Voted. That the Selectmen direct the several Surveyors of the Highways to fill up those mud vaults nd or holes near the bridge in Smith’s Hollow and near the house of William Herrick 2. done in such way and manner as the Selectmen shall think will be for the benefit of the Town. Town meeting dissolved.