2000-09-11PRESENT: ABSENT: PUBLIC: BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Farmer, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mahoney, Nelson, Rosen, Vitale, and White Commissioner Eaton Bill Richardson, Craig Schuster, Ken Lewis, Gerry Nelson, Ken Robinson, Richard Mello, Kerry Healey, and Greg Wyler Ao CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations: Edwards & Kelcey Uodate - Craig Schuster, E&K's engineer, reminded the Commission of the Snow Removal Equlpmem (SRE) grant project for FY01 and recommended the airport check into a statewide co-op purchasing program that the City of Plymouth administers. Airport Mezzetti said he had already checked into it and was getting infot~,attion from them. Bill Richardson, E&K's airport planner, told the BAC of the recent meeting with the airport, FAA, M.A.C., and E&K regarding the AMPU draft. The basic message from FAA and M.A.C. is that the current preferred BAC aitemative of a Modification of Standard would not fly. Mr. Richardson refreshed the Commission on why the need for Runway Safety Areas (RSA) and impacts of the RSA alternatives. He further explained the importance of having a 5,000' runway. He explained how jets now shoot the non-precision instrument approach for Runway 16 and then circle to land on Runway 9 because it has longer pavement. If we had 5,000' on Runway 16 they could come straight in without going over Danvers residential areas. Mr. Richardson talked about the extending of Runway 34 alternative and how FAA and M.A.C. thought it was a worthwhile scenario. (It preserves a 5,000' runway capability with less environmental intrusion than the other alternatives, it would provide some relief for Danvers residents from the circle to land operations, and by using declared distances on Runway 9/27 full lengths would still be available for takeoffs.) Responses from the Commission were positive. Commissioner Barnico asked what would be the effect to the Eaton (now Axeelis) building. Mr. Richardson said it would have to be looked at but that there already were obstruction lights on some of the buildings. BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 Commissioner Duval suggested it (lengthening Runway 16/34 and Declared Distances on Runway 9/27) be further explored, Commissioner Rosen said it looked like the reasonable and rational way to go, Commissioner Barnico said it was worth a study with a stipulation that we want a commitment from FAA that before we touch Runway 9/27 that the year before FAA will fund the Runway 34 extension. Commissioners White and Vitale said it was worth a study. Commissioner Lydon thought the pluses outweighed the minuses, Commissioner Nelson said that we have to tell people that there are a lot of "ifs" in the exploration process. Chairman Farmer said that that alternative is not cast in concrete. Airport Manager Mezzetti asked if lengthening Runway 16/34 was then the Commission's consensus as the "route to go" i.e. the preferred alternative. Chairman Farmer said yes, that everybody wanted to go the next step forward with it. Bill Richardson said he would get some language together and send it to D-H for the Airport Master Plan Update. State Representative Candidate, Kerry Healey - Ms. Healey spoke to the Commission of her support for the airport and her stand on other issues. Reading of the Minutes for July 2000 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes from the July meeting. Commissioner Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner White. Motion passed unanimously. Reading of the Financial Report- There wcre no financial reports available for this meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Proposed Use of Runway 16 RPZ for Soccer Use - Hamilton/Wenham Recreation Director had expressed interest in using portions of the Runway 16 RPZ for potential soccer use. After some discussion, Commission Vitale made a motion to not approve soccer use of Runway 16 RPZ areas, seconded by Commissioner Dural. Motion passed unanimously. Co NEW BUSINESS: Airport Informational Meeting - Commissioner Nelson informed the other Commissioners of her and Commissioner Eaton's airport informational meeting given to the Danvers Selectmen. Commissioner Nelson and BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 Commissioner Eaton found it very positive with positive feedback. Commissioner Nelson suggested similar meetings be done with the public either quarterly or bi- annually. Chairman Farmer, Commissioner Mahoney and Commissioner Vitale spoke on past public meetings held at the airport. Commissioner Duval felt it beneficial to have a workshop meeting with neighbors, that even if they did not come they would know that the airport was attempting to reach out to them. Commissioner Vitale suggested having an informational table staffed by Commissioners at the Airport's annual Aviation Day (including one of our airport consultants from E&K). Commissioner Rosen suggested inviting the airport abutters, Chairman Farmer agreed. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to set aside a booth (table) at Aviation Day to be staffed by Commissioners to give info~wation to the public as needed. Commissioner Vitale added an amendment to the motion that airport abutters be invited to Aviation Day. Motion seconded by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously. Do AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: The Airport Manager's report for the 9/11/00 BAC meeting was included in the commission packets. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on events that had taken place since the packet mailings e.g. the Airport Safety Meeting on 9/25/00 with FBOs and tiedown customers, a tractor demonstration on 9/14/00, the AMPU, and an a Runway 16 wetland growth update. Commissioner Bamico requested the Airport Manager send a brief note to the Airport Master Plan Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) of where the plan stands, what the holdups have been, and RSA alternative information. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Chairman Farmer called for a role call to enter Executive Session to discuss an executive session issue with Mr. Greg Wyler. Role call was taken to exit Executive Session. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: Chairman Farmer thanked Commissioners Gourde. au, White, Vitale, Airport Manager Mezzetti, Airport Mechanics Ken Lewis and Gerry Nelson, and BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 Airport Clerk Kim Crof~ for their work on the Beverly Homecoming Aviation Day. · Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on the Gurnard "Hot Spot" cleanup. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously.