1781-08-17th At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Beverly August 17 1781. Capt. Asa Leech was chosen Moderator of said meeting. th Voted. That their grant on the 18 day of May last of the sum of one thousand pounds for paying th the Town’s debts and defraying the necessary charges of the Town and a grant on the 13 day of July last for the sum of five hundred pounds for procuring of beef and clothing sent for by government for the use of the Army be reconsidered and made null and void. Voted. That the Town Treasurer be directed to call upon the several Constables to pay in all their outstanding taxes immediately. Voted. That there be assessed and raised on the polls and estates within this Town the sum of six hundred pounds in hard money, five hundred for procuring of beef and clothing sent for from this Town by government for the use of the Army and one hundred pounds for defraying the necessary charges arising within said Town. Voted. That the affairs relative to the procuring of the militia be referred to the next Town meeting.