1780-05-23d At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly May 23 1780. Mr. William Hazeltine chosen to serve on the Grand Jury at the Superior Court of Judicature to be holden at Ipswich on the third Tuesday of June next and Mr. Richard Leech and Mr. Richard Obear was appointed as the law directs to serve on the Petit Jury at the above said Court. th At a Legal meeting on adjournment May the 30 1780. Mr. Richard Leech and Mr. Richard Obear was excused from serving jurors at the above said Court and Capt. Joseph Lee & Mr. Peter Woodberry chosen in their room. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly that were qualified according rd to law to vote in Town affairs on May 23 1780. Josiah Batchelder Esq. was chosen Moderator. th Voted. That the Town meeting be adjourned to Monday the 29 instant to nine o’clock in the morning which meeting was adjourned accordingly. At a meeting of the Freeholders and of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly that are qualified rd according to law to vote in the choice of Representatives duly warned and assembled on May 23 1780. The Selectmen sat as regulators of said meeting as the law directs. Capt. Nicholas Thorndike was elected and deputed by the major part of the Electors present to serve for and represent them in the Great and General Court appointed to be convened, held and kept for the government service at the State House in Boston in the County of Suffolk on the 31 day of May instant etc. etc. Town meeting was adjourned to 6 o’clock in the afternoon on said day. Town meeting met according to adjournment and Capt. Nicholas Thorndike refused to serve as representative as above said and Capt. George Cabot was unanimously chosen to serve in his room and stead. Capt. George Cabot refused to serve as representative in the General Court as aforesaid th and Town meeting was then adjourned to Monday the 29 instant 2 o’clock p.m. At a Meeting of the male Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly that were free and twenty-one years of rd age duly warned and assembled on the 23 day of May 1780. Josiah Batchelder Esq. was chosen Moderator. The Constitution and frame of government for the State of the Massachusetts Bay as proposed by Convention appointed for that purpose was taken under consideration which after being read and considerably debated upon Josiah Batchelder Esq., Capt. George Cabot & the Rev. Mr. Joseph Willard were chosen a Committee to revise and examine and make such remarks on the above said Constitution and form of government as they shall think best and report the same to the Town on their adjournment of this meeting. th Voted. That the Town meeting be adjourned to Monday the 29 day of May instant at nine o’clock in the forenoon and the Town Meeting was adjourned accordingly. At a Meeting of the male Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly that were free and twenty-one years of th age duly warn and assembled on the 29 day of May 1780 being on adjournment. The Constitution and form of Government was further considered and the Committee appointed to examine and revise the same reported and duly considered and the question was put to see if the Town will approve of the Constitution and form of government proposed by the State Convention appointed for that purpose together with several amendments and instructions and several papers on file and it passed unanimously in the affirmative. No. present 53. th At a legal meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly on May the 29 1780 being on adjournment. The Selectme to n sat as regulators. Col. Larcom Thorndike was elected and deputed by the major part of the electors present to represent them in the Great and General Court to be convened, held and kept for the government service at the st State House in Boston in the County of Suffolk on Wednesday the 31 day of May instant and so at their session or sessions etc.. At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly that are qualified by law to vote in th Town affairs on Monday the 29 being on adjournment of May instant 1780. th Voted. That the Town Meeting be further adjourned to Tuesday the 30 day of May instant at 2 o’clock afternoon and the Town meeting was adjourned accordingly. At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly legally warned and held rd on the 23 day of May instant that were qualified by law to vote in Town affairs and was continued th by several adjournments until the 30 day of May 1780 and then met and proceeded to do the following business. Viz. Mr. Jonathan Dodge 2nd was chosen to serve constable in the room of Joseph Lovett 2nd said Lovett refusing to serve, it going for said Joseph Lovett’s term. Mr. Elisah Woodberry was chosen to serve constable in the room of William Trask 2nd refusing to serve in said office. Mr. Edward Trask & Mr. Simon Lovett were chosen to serve in the office of Tythingmen in the room of William Bartlett and others refusing to serve. Voted that Mr. William Bartlett, Nathan Leech, George Raymond Jr. and Sewall Tuck and William Trask 2nd be all excused from paying their fines for not serving in the several offices into which they were chosen at the annual meeting in March last. Voted. That the Selectmen be directed in the name and behalf of the Town to petition the Great and General Court to have the money made good to them for their account exhibited for supplying of the families of the soldiers in the Continental Army and for to receive said account that’s given in when they shall think it is expedient. Voted. That the Selectmen continue to supply the families of the soldiers that in the Continental Army and be directed to draw the money out of the Town Treasury to enable them to perform that service. Voted. That the Selectmen continue to hire a Grammar School master as usual. Voted. That the sum of twelve thousand pounds be granted to be assessed and raised on the ratable polls and the states within said Town the ensuing year for paying the Town’s debt and defraying the necessary charges arising within the same. Voted that the Town will mend their Highways the current year by a tax on the polls and estates of the Inhabitants under such direction and rule as is prescribed by a vote of the Town in the th year 1767 at their annual meeting on the 16 of March, the wages of labor excepted. Voted. That the sum of twelve thousand pound be levied and assessed on the polls and estates within said Town for the defraying the charge of repairing of the Highways the current year. Voted. That each man performing a days work with on the Highways in the judgment of the Surveyor shall be allowed £ 12. Voted. That a team of four good cattle and a hand to drive the same shall be allowed thirty six pounds per day if in the judgment of the Surveyor they perform a day’s labor and other terms in usual proportion, they finding themselves tools. Voted. That the Town will give the Selectmen power at their discretion to allow more wages for working on Highways if the money depreciates anymore and to allow less if it appreciates as they shall think proper. It was put to vote to see if the Town will act on the petition of Dea. Benjamin Cleaves and James Obear and it passed in the negative.