1780-01-17th At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly January 171780. Josiah Batchelder Jr. Esq. was chosen Moderator. Mr. John Lovett 3d was chosen to serve as Selectman, Assessor and Committee of Correspondence etc. in the room of Mr. Isaac Thorndike, deceased. Voted. That the sum of three thousand Town be assessed and raised on the polls and estates within said Town for the defraying the charges arising by means of the war and other necessary charges arising within the same. Voted. That Col. Larcom Thorndike, Capt. George Cabot & Capt. Isaac Chapman be a Committee to draft the petition to the Great and General Court praying that the fine laid on this Town for not procuring the militia required by a resolve of the General Court of the 9th of June last may be remitted for reasons to be set forth in said petition and present the same to the Town at the next March meeting for their approbation.