1780-12-20th At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly December 20 1780. Josiah Batchelder Esq. chosen Moderator. Capt. James Lovett was chosen Town Treasurer in the room of Henry Herrick Esq., deceased. Voted. That the sum of fifty thousand pounds be assessed and raised on the polls and estates within th said Town and paid into the Town Treasurer by the 15 day of January next for the purposes nd of procuring the men sent for from this Town by a resolve of the General Court of the 2 of December instant for to serve in the Continental Army for three years or during the present war and that the Constables be directed to receive one silver dollar in collecting said money in lieu of seventy-five in the old currency and one dollar in the new emission in lieu of forty of the old money. Voted. It Capt. Isaac Chapman, Capt. Joseph Rey & Lieutenant Caleb Balch B.A. Committee in behalf of the Town to procure and engage the aforesaid men and the best manner they can for the benefit of the Town. th At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly December 20 1780. Josiah Batchelder Esq., chosen Moderator. Voted. That the sum of sixty thousand pounds be assessed and raised on the polls and estates within and belonging to this Town for the purposes of procuring the beef sent for from the Town by th a resolve of the General Court of the 4 of December instant for the use of the Continental Army. Voted. That the Selectmen be a Committee in behalf of the Town to procure said beef or pay the money in lieu of the beef agreeable to the above said resolve.