1779-05-24th At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly in Town Meeting assembled on 24 of May 1779. The Selectmen sat as regulators of said Meeting as the law directs. And Josiah Batchelder Esq. & Jonathan Conant Esq. was elected and deputed by the major part of the voters present at said Meeting to serve for and represent this Town in any Great and General Court or assembly appointed to be convened, held and kept for the government’s service at the State th House in Boston in the County of Suffolk upon Wednesday the 26 day of May instant etc. Josiah Batchelder Esq. was chosen Moderator for remaining business of meeting. The question was put to see whether the Town will choose at this time to have a new constitution or form of government made and it passed in the negative. No. voted for the question none No. voting in the negative 25. Voted that the sum of eight thousand pounds be assessed on the polls and estates within the Town to pay the Town’s debt and defray the necessary charges arising within the same. Voted that the Town Treasurer be desired to call upon the delinquent Constables and oblige them to settle their accounts with him as soon as may be. Voted that the Town Treasurer and Committee appointed to supply the soldiers’ families be empowered in behalf of the Town to hire a sufficient sum of money to supply the soldiers’ families with not exceeding one thousand two hundred pounds until it can be replaced again by taxes paid into the Town Treasurer to discharge the same. Voted that the wid. Martha Woodberry’s petition be dismissed.