1776-03-22nd At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly March 22 1776. Lieut. Isaac Chapman and Mr. Peter Woodberry were chosen to serve as grand jurors at the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace to be holden at Ipswich on the last Tuesday of March instant and at the several Courts to be holden successively for one year and Mr. Ichabod Graves, Jacob Woodberry, Peter Corning, Richard Obear 2d were chosen to serve on the Petit Jury at said Court. Capt. Larkin Thorndike was chosen Moderator of said meeting for the remaining business. Mr. Samuel Woodberry was chosen to serve as Constable in the room of Mr. Jonathan Creesy and is to go for said Creesy’s turn, he satisfying him for the same. It was put to vote to see if the Town will choose some person to serve in the room of Capt. Nathan Leech as Constable as expressed in the warrant passed in the negative.