1777-05-28At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Town of Beverly May 281777. Colonel Henry Herrick which chosen Moderator. Voted that the Town give their consent that the families of wid. Elizabeth Ellinwood, Samuel Dane and wid. Hannah Giles might be inoculated with the small [pox] provided they should be removed tomorrow to the house of Joshua Ellinwood, they being much exposed with the small pox. It was put to vote to see if the Town will appropriate any of the houses between Benjamin Roundy’s and the ferry for the benefit of inoculation and it passed in the negative. Voted that the Selectmen be and they are hereby directed and empowered immediately to buy, higher or build some suitable house or houses for the reception of such persons as may be taken sick with the small pox in the natural way or that have or may be dangerously infected with the small pox. Voted that the Selectman be and they are hereby empowered to cleanse or smoke any person or persons who may come into this Town and may be suspected to bring the small pox into it and take such order thereon as their prudence shall direct.