1847-05-17 ElectionEssex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly- Greeting- You are hereby required in the name of Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn (in the usual manner) the qualified voters of said town, to meet at the Town Hall on Monday the seventeenth day of May instant, at nine o’clock, before noon- To give in their ballots for one County Commissioner, and one Special Commissioner, within and for our County of Essex - The ballots will be received on one piece of paper, and the candidates on each ballot must be residents of different towns in said County - The poll will open at nine o’clock, Before noon, and close at five o’clock afternoon, unless otherwise ordered by the Meeting - Here of fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon, before said time - Given under our hands and seal this seventh day of May in the year Eighteen hundred forty-seven - Wm. H. Lovett John I. BakerSelectmen Haskett D. Whitney of Edward T. Proctor Beverly Josiah Obear th Beverly May 10 A.D. 1847, Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed - Jacob Lunt, Constable of Beverly - A true record of the original warrant and return Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Beverly in the County of Essex, held agreeably to law, for the choice of One County Commissioner, and one Special Commissioner, for said County on the seventeenth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, the qualified voters of said Town brought in their written votes on one ballot for one County Commissioner and one Special Commissioner, being inhabitants of different Towns in said County, and the Selectmen of said Town in open Town meeting sorted and counted the votes and the ballots, and made public declaration thereof, and the Town Clerk of said Town entered in the Town Records the whole number of ballots, the names of all the persons voted for, and the number of votes for each, and the following is a copy of such Record, duly signed, attested, and sealed up in open Town Meeting. The whole number of ballots for County Commissioner was three hundred and ninety-five. - For, John I. Baker of Beverly, three hundred and ninety-four. Nathaniel Jackson of Salem, a One vote - The whole number of ballots for Special Commissioner was three hundred and ninety-one. For Dan Weed Jr. of Methuen, three hundred and ninety votes- Ezra Ober, one vote Wm. H. Lovett Haskett D. WhitneySelectmen Josiah Obear of John I. Baker Beverly Attest, John I. Baker, Town Clerk. d Essex, ss. Beverly, November 2 A.D. 1847. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant, I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed- Francis Lamson, Constable of Beverly -. Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held at the Town Hall on Monday the eighth day of November, A.D. 1847, at nine o’clock A.M. pursuant to the foregoing warrant - Voted, to send two Representatives to the next General Court and close the poll at four o’clock afternoon- The Electors then proceeded to give in their ballots for said Representatives, and also for Governor, Lt. Governor and Senators - and the whole number of ballots for Representatives was five hundred and sixty-one - necessary for a choice two hundred and eighty- one - and said votes were for the following persons- William H. Lovett, three hundred and forty-six votes Paul Hildreth, three hundred and thirty-eight votes John Porter 2d, one hundred and fifty-seven votes Abraham Edwards, one hundred a fifty-eight votes Thomas D. Smith, fifty-four votes David Standley, fifty-three votes John I. Baker, Two votes, and Eleazar R. Wallis, William A. Foster, Simeon Beckford and John J. Dennis one vote each - And Messrs. William H. Lovett and Paul Hildreth having more than the requisite number are accordingly elected and were so declared - Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk