1847-01-19Essex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly - Greeting - You are hereby required in the name of Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to notify and warn the qualified voters of said Town, (in the usual manner) to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday the nineteenth day of January instant at Two o’clock, Afternoon, for the following purposes viz.: 1st. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator and to choose the same. 2d. To see what measures the town will adopt for organizing an efficient Fire Department, and vote money for that purpose if deemed expedient - Hereof fail not, but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time - Given under our hands and seal this ninth day of January in the year Eighteen hundred and forty-seven. Josiah ObearSelectmen John I. Baker of Haskett D. Whitney Beverly Essex, ss. January 11, A.D., 1847. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed - Francis Lamson, Constable of Beverly. At the legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly, held in pursuance of the foregoing warrant, on Tuesday the nineteenth day of January A.D. 1847. Voted. To choose a Moderator by hand vote - and Hon. John Safford was thus chosen - Various propositions were then submitted for the purpose of selling the Engines numbered One and Two and purchasing a New Engine for Engine House No. 2 - and these propositions were also submitted separately, as well as a motion to procure a New Engine for Beverly Farms - this latter carried as an amendment but defeated on its final adoption, as well as also a proposition to refer the whole subject to the Board of Firewards with full authority in all the premises - and all the above propositions were likewise defeated, besides several motions to adjourn and dissolve the meeting - there was much discussion during all the meeting which lasted about three hours and was attended by about one hundred and fifty voters - and the following vote was finally adopted - Voted, That the Board of Firewards be instructed to man Engines No. 2 and 4 until May 1, 1847- not exceeding the rate of ten dollars per year to each Engine Man, and also to pay the same way to each member of Engine Company No. 3 from this date - Voted. That this meeting be now dissolved - and it was so declared by the Moderator thereof - (This meeting called on petition of Josiah Lovett & others) Attest, John I. Baker, Town Clerk.