1845-05-01Essex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly - Greeting - You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn in the usual manner the qualified voters of said Town to meet at the Town Hall on Thursday the first day of May next at Two o’clock afternoon - for the following purposes, viz.: 1st. To decide the manner of choosing Moderator, and to choose the same. 2d. To take such measures as the town think expedient in reference to disposing of any of their Fire Engines and apparatus and purchasing a new Fire Engine and apparatus in exchange or otherwise, to be located at Engine House No. 2 - and to act and do anything necessary to carry said purposes into effect, by raising money or otherwise as per vote of Firewards - Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time - Given under our hands & seal this twenty-fourth Day of April in the year Eighteen hundred & forty-five Wm. H. Lovett Jona. I. BakerSelectmen Jona. Pickett of Edward T. Proctor Beverly Beverly May 1, 1845. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed.Wm. D. Crosfield, Constable.Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held at the Town Hall, pursuant to the preceding warrant, on Thursday the first day of May A. D. 1845, at Two o’ clock afternoon - Voted. To choose Moderator by hand vote. Voted. That Israel Foster 2d be Moderator, several others having been first chosen, and having declined. On the Second Article in the warrant - the following statement was submitted from the Firewards- rd “At a meeting of the Board of Firewards held on Wednesday Evening April 23 Voted. That the Selectmen be requested to call a town meeting forthwith to see if the town will dispose of their present Engines and apparatus, and purchase a new Engine to be located at No. 2, Engine House. The subscribers a Committee appointed by the Board of Firewards to present the facts upon which the foregoing vote is predicated, would state that having bargained with Mr. Hunneman for a five inch cylinder hydraulion Engine, & 200 feet Hose & apparatus for $850, for Upper Parish - some of the Board were desirous of ascertaining on what terms a new Engine of the capacity of No. 4 could be purchased and located at No. 2 Engine House by exchanging off our oldest Engines - on this, Mr. Hunneman stated that he would allow for No. 1. $115 - No. 3 $60 - and for No. 3 $340. Total $515 - as the town appropriated $1040 and as the new one for Upper Parish costs but $850. This leaves $190, which added to the above makes $705.00 - lacking just $120 of $825, the sum asked by Mr. Hunneman for a new 6 inch hydraulion - to these terms a portion of the Board wished to accede at once, but some of the Firewards doubting our authority in the premises - it was voted to refer the whole subject to the town for their action. Wm. H. Lovett - Daniel Foster - for the Board of Firewards. After a discussion in which Messrs. Andrew W. Standley, Joseph T. Haskell, Edward Pousland, Pyam Lovett, and others participated. On motion of Captain Pyam Lovett Voted. That the Firewards be authorized to sell engines No. 1 and 3 at the prices mentioned (as above) A motion made by Joseph T. Haskell to sell No. 2 was rejected. And propositions offered by Messrs. Standley & Pousland in reference to employing Engine men were ruled out of order & on motion of E. Pousland, Esq. Voted. That this meeting be dissolved - which the Moderator declared so to be- Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk.