1844-12-18 PerambulationBeverly and Danvers Be it remembered, we the Selectmen of the towns of Beverly and Danvers have this day met and perambulated the division lines between said towns as follows, viz.: Beginning at a stone marked W. B. D. standing in the wall between lands of Paul Porter and Samuel Ober, thence west, northerly or northwesterly to a stone marked B. D. standing in Frost Fish Brook, (so-called) thence southerly as the brook runs, on several courses, to the middle abutment on the lower side of Frost Fish Brook Bridge, thence to the middle of the river, which we conceive to be the middle of the channel, on several courses to Liberty Bridge, (so-called) as Fowlers Mills, to a hold drilled in a stone, twenty feet northerly of the northwesterly abutment or side of the southwesterly sluiceway; thence as the middle of the channel runs on several courses southerly until it comes to the middle of the channel at the great cove. Given under our hands this eighteenth day of December A. D. 1844. Joshua SylvesterSelectmen Henry Fowlerof Danvers Wm. H. LovettSelectmen John I. Bakerof Beverly A true record, Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk