1844-12-09Essex, ss. Beverly - To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly - Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn in the usual manner the qualified voters of said town to meet at the Town Hall on Monday the ninth day of December current at Two o’clock afternoon - for the following purposes: 1. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator and to choose the same. 2. To see what measures the town will adopt in reference to “an indictment against them for not keeping in repair a highway in said town leading from the line of Danvers near Fowlers Mills to the line of Wenham by the farm house of F. Howes Esq. formally the estate of W. Burley decd.” 3. “To see what instructions if any the town will give the Board of Health in relation to the new Burial Ground and act and do anything in relation to the same they may think proper” - according to petition of William Bray and others. Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time. Given under our hands and seal this second day of December in the year eighteen hundred and forty-four. Wm. H. Lovett Edward T. PorterSelectmen of Edwin WoodberryBeverly Haskett D. Whitney John Israel Baker Beverly, December 9, A D. 1844 - Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed.William D. Crosfield, Constable. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held on Monday Dec. 9,1844 at 2 o’clock P.M. at the Town Hall agreeably to the previous warrant. Voted, to choose the Moderator by hand vote. Voted, that Henry Larcom be Moderator. On the 2d Article - relative to the road indictment Voted, that the Selectmen be authorized to take such measures and make such agreements in behalf of the inhabitants of this town with the proper authorities in reference to a reasonable repair of said road as may lead to an equitable settlement of this indictment. On the Burial Ground - after the discussion of various propositions. Voted, that the Board of Health be instructed to allow our citizens to take family lots in the New Burial Ground at the price of one-third of the appraisal affixed to said lots upon the plan.