1844-04-25Essex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly - Greeting- You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the qualified voters of the town of Beverly in the usual manner to meet at the Town Hall on th Thursday the 25 day of April current at one o’clock afternoon for the following purposes: 1st. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator and to choose the same. 2d. To see if the town will purchase a new Fire Engine and Apparatus and make provision for the payment therefore and act and do anything respecting the same the town think expedient - per petition John Lovett & others. By virtue of the same authority and in pursuance of a warrant from the Board of Examiners you are also required in the same manner to notify said voters to meet at the Town Hall on Thursday th afternoon aforesaid 25 - inst. - at two o’clock to give in their ballots for Three County Commissioners and Two Special Commissioners - the poll will open at two and close at four o’clock P.M. unless the Meeting otherwise determine. Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time. Given under our hands and seal this seventeenth day of April A.D. 1844. Wm. H. LovettSelectmen John I. Baker of Haskett D. Whitney Beverly. Essex, ss. Beverly April 25,1844. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed - Ezra O. Woodberry - Constable. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held on Thursday April 25,1844, one o’clock P.M. Voted, to choose Moderator by hand vote. Voted, that Edward Pousland be Moderator. After some discussion Voted, that the Board of Firewards be authorized to procure a good substantial suction Fire Engine and Apparatus including 500 feet leading hose for the use of the town - and they were instructed to locate said Engine in the neighborhood of the Town Hall. Voted, that Selectmen be authorized to hire such sum of money as may be needed in behalf of the town to pay for said Engine etc.