1841-08-05 ElectionEssex, ss.. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly. Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the qualified voters of said town to meet at the Old Town Hall on Thursday the fifth day of August next at one o’clock afternoon for the purpose of giving in their votes for a Register of Deeds for said County - in pursuance of a warrant from the County Commissioners directed to us -The poll will be open at One and close at Three o’clock - Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time - Notice to be given by posting notifications according to Town Regulations - given under our hands and seal this twenty-first day of July A. D. 1841. Isaac GalouxSelectmen William H. Lovett of Josiah Woodberry Beverly Beverly, August 5,1841. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed. Francis Lamson, Constable Beverly. At a meeting of the legal voters of town of Beverly called by a warrant from the County Commissioners for the purpose of electing a Register of Deeds for said County for the term of five years, held on the fifth day of August A. D. 1841 at one of the clock in the afternoon - The following persons received the number of votes set against their names respectively viz.: Ralph H. French had forty-five votes Samuel Phillips of Newburyport had twelve votes Eleazer M. Dalton of Salem had twenty votes Joseph Shed of Danvers had five votes Stephen P. Webb of Salem had fourteen votes Josiah Woodberry was then chosen by ballot Moderator of the meeting. Att. John I. Baker, Town Clerk