1841-05-05 ElectionEssex, ss, Beverly. To one of the Constables of said Town - Greeting: you are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the qualified voters of said Town to meet at the Old Town Hall on Wednesday the fifth day of May next at One o’clock P.M. for the purpose of giving in their votes for three County Commissioners and One Special Commissioner within & for our County of Essex. The poll will open at one, and close at three o’clock P.M. and the ballots for each will be received on one piece of paper - Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time - Given under our hands and seal this 26th day of April A.D. 1841. Essex, ss, Beverly May 5, 1841. Pursuant to the foregoing: I have notify the persons therein named as therein directed, by posting notices as per, Town Regulations. Josiah WoodberrySelectmen Isaac Galoux of William H. Lovett Beverly William D. Crosfield, Constable Beverly. A true record. Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held on Wednesday the 5th day of May A.D. 1841, the electors proceeded to give in their votes for Three County Commissioners and One Special Commissioner and the whole number of ballots was ascertained according to law to be as follows-for County Commissioners .For Special Commissioners. And the votes for County and Special Commissioners were sorted, counted and ascertained and declared to be for the following persons- For County Commissioners.For Special Commissioner. John Tenney of Methuen, six votesWilliam Whipple of Rockport, ten votes Daniel Putnam of Salem, ten votesBenjamin F. Newhall of Saugus, fifty eight votes Moses Newell of Newbury, eight votesJohn W. Allen of Manchester, thirty six votes Charles Kimball of Ipswich, sixty votesSamuel Avery of Marblehead, one vote William Whipple of Rockport, fifty-seven votesJosiah Woodberry of Beverly, one vote Robert Patton of Amesbury, sixty votes Asa W. Wildes of Newbury, thirty-nine votes Asa T. Newhall of Lynnfield, thirty-seven votes Thomas E. Payson of Rowley, thirty-six votes Jacob Story of Essex, one vote Robert Rantoul of Beverly, two votes John Page of Danvers, one vote David Colby of Manchester, one vote. Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk.