1996-08-12Present Commissioners; Farmer, Gourdeau, Rosen, Eaton, Lydon, Dean, White and Mahoney. Public: Mr. K. Robinson, Mr. K. Lewis, Mr. V. Capozzi and Mr. K. McKinnon. Call to Order: 7:30 P.M. Chairman Farmer called the meeting to Order at 1. Presentations: None. Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held July 8, 1996. Motion to accept minutes of July 8, 1996 Regular Meeting by Commissioner Mahoney, 2nd by Commissioner Barnico. Vote: yea-8 Nay-0 Financial Report: Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the Financial Report for the month of July 1996. There was no financial report from the city, however Commissioner White had prepared a statement of revenues and expenses as compared to budget that was handed out. Motion to accept the report, subject to change was made and seconded· Vote: yea-8 Nay-0 B. Old Business: Hospitality Suites-Chairman Farm&r talked on the hold up by Hospitality Suites in executing their lease. Chairman Farmer requested the Commission give Hospitality Suites the ultimatum that the lease must be signed by Friday, or the Gurnard property would again go out for proposal. Motion to instruct Hospitality Suites to have the signed agreement at the Airport Manager's office no later than 3:00 P.M., Friday, August 16, 1996 by Commissioner White, 2nd by Commissioner Mahoney. Vote: yea-8 Nay-0 Runway 16-34 lighting and grooving project - Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on the project. New Business: Land Acquisition - Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on the project to acquire the two residences at the approach of runway 16 in fee simple. Chairman Farmer requested the Airport Manager check daily with the City Solicitor's office to ascertain City Solicitors signature on land acquisition grant offer. G.A.S Lease - Commissioner Gourdeau updated the Commission on the G.A.S lease consolidation (marked up final draft to be given to G.A.S and Commissioners for review). Dufresne-Henry, Inc. Industrial Park and Access Road Impact Report - comments on D&H's impact report were solicited from the Commission. It was decided that the Commission would not recommend a ILS Precision Approach due primarily to the need to acquire residential land and the displacement of the occupants of numerous homes. The door would be left open however, to the possibility of future precision approach technologythat would have with no little effect on residential housing. The report also mentioned that current runway safety areas are not in compliance with FAA minimums that are found in Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design. To achieve minimums in most cases would involve either runway threshold displacements, keep current thresholds and perform filling and grading operations or applying for FAA waivers. Regarding runway 27, the Commission stated that the threshold would not be displaced, nor the road relocated and requested the Airport Manager draft a letter so that effect to Dufresne-Henry, with copies to the City Planner, Mayor and City Solicitor. Airport Manager's Report - Airport Manager's report included landing fee collection options, Collings Foundation Concessionaire selection, airfield mowing, tenant concerns end needed minor maintenance items. Chair/Commission Comments: Airport Manager to contact Richies Slush of Everett to be the concessionaire when Collings Foundation aircraft visit 9/06/96 to 9/09/96. ] Airport Manager to contact FBO's Re; visit of Collings Foundation aircraft impact to their operations, information will also be sent to tenants in their monthly invoices. Airport Manager to notify Mark Foster, Civil'Defense that the airport will need his v~hicles moved to accommodate auto parking for Collings visit. Airport Manager to work on discrepancies noted on MAC inspection. Chairman Farmer talked on list of airport manager priority items. =Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on the new North Atlantic Air fuel farm. Commissioner Gourdeau informed the Commission of Commissioner Dunn's resignation, and possibility reducing the number of Commissioners on a permanent basis. Commissioner Gourdeau asked status of numbering aircraft tie downs (Airport Manager to pick up paint day after Commission meeting). Meeting to adjourn for Executive Session by Commissioners Mahoney, seconded by Commissioners Gourdeau. Vote was unanimous. Commission returned from Executive Session to the regular meeting. On a motion by Commissioner Lydon seconded by Commissioner Dean to adjourn vote was: !Vote: yea-8 nay-0 The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: Robert Mezzetti Airport Manager