1873-09-02Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex, ss.To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly-Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn, in the usual manner, the qualified voters of said Town to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday the second day of September next at half past Seven o’clock afternoon for the following purposes. 1st. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator and to choose the same. 2d. To see if the Town will sell to David Roberts, its right and title in the Powder House lot, so- called, bounded on Bancroft land and on lands recently purchased by said Roberts. 3d. To see if the Town will take the requisite measures to stop all proceedings for building the new Briscoe School House, and provide otherwise for the Schools of that neighborhood; also to see if the Town will appropriate a lot of land hereto for the Briscoe School House lot and the lands lying between that and Essex Street, for a Town Hall or other Town purposes; or to see if they will dispose of said lot by sale or in any other manner, per petition of Seth Norwood and others. Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time. Given under our hands and seal his twenty-fifth day of August in the year Eighteen eight hundred and seventy-three. John I. BakerSelectmen Freeborn W. Cressyof Nathan H. FosterBeverly Beverly August 26,1873. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed by posting notices according to Town Regulations. William T. Moses, Constable. A true copy of original warrant and return thereon. Attest.James Hill, Town Clerk. At a meeting of the qualified voters of the Town of Beverly, held (in pursuance of the foregoing warrant) at the Town Hall in said Town on Tuesday the Second day of September in the year Eighteen hundred and seventy-three at half past seven o’clock afternoon. In the absence of the Town Clerk, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the Selectmen, and Nathan H. Webb, was chosen by ballot, Town Clerk, pro Tem. And was sworn to the discharge of his duties in that office. Voted, to choose Moderator by hand vote, and Freeborn W. Cressy was thus chosen. Upon Article 2d of the warrant, it was Voted, that the Town Treasurer be authorized to sell the Powder House at auction to be removed; at the same rate per foot as he gave for the adjoining lot. Upon Article 3 of the warrant. The following motion was offered by Seth Norwood. “That the School Committee discontinue building a School House on Briscoe lot, as was voted at the last annual meeting.” Mr. R. R. Endicott, moved as a substitute a series of resolutions, all of which, in if except the two following, were ruled out of order by the Moderator. “Resolved, that it entirely inexpedient to consider the project of building a new Town Hall at the present time.” “Resolved, that the work on the Briscoe School House be suspended, and that the old School House building be repaired. And remain in its present location provided the land can be hired at a reasonable rate satisfactory to the School Committee, if not, that it be removed to its former location, and occupied by the Schools until such time as the Town should be able to build a new School House and pay for it by taxation.” After a long discussion, the motion to substitute was put to the meeting and lost, and the motion of Mr. Norwood was also put to the meeting and lost by a large majority. Upon motion of John Meacom, it was Voted, that we the citizens of the town of Beverly, pledge our confidence in, and continued support of the School Committee in the construction and completion of the Briscoe School House as commenced by them. Voted, that this meeting be dissolved. A true record. Attest. Nathan H. Webb, Town Clerk, pro Tem.