1864-02-27 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly-Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn in the usual manner the qualified voters of said town to meet at the Town Hall on Saturday the 27th day of February current, at Four o'clock afternoon for the following purposes; 1st. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator, and to choose the same. 2d. To see what action, if any, the town will take upon a petition of the City of Salem now pending before the Legislature, for authority to procure a supply of freshwater for said City from Wenham Pond. Hereof fall not, but make due return, of this warrant with your doings thereon before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our hands and seal this 20th day of February A.D. 1864 John Meacom Robert S. Foster John Ober Selectmen of Beverly Wm G. Woodberry Beverly, Feb. 27,1864. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named, as therein directed, by posting notifications thereof at or near each of the public meeting houses and at other places in town as required by the town regulations. William P. Moses, Constable of Beverly. At a meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly legally warned, and held, in pursuance of the foregoing warrant at the Town Hall on Saturday the 27th day of February 1864, at Four o'clock P.M. it was Voted, that the Moderator be chosen by hand vote, and John I. Baker was thus chosen. Voted. That this town objects to the City of Salem, being allowed to take water from the Pond situated in Beverly and Wenham known as Wenham Pond unless: the same shall be carried through our principal village, and shall also allow our citizens facilities for procuring water therefrom for protection from fires, and for domestic, manufacturing, and all other purposes, on equal terms with those that may be allowed to the citizens of Salem. Voted, that John Meacom, John I. Baker and Benjamin D. Grant, be a Committee to represent the town before the Committee of the Legislature. Voted that the meeting be dissolved. A true record. Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk.