1864-06-29 Commonwealth Massachusetts Essex, ss. To the Constables of the town of Beverly - Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth, to notify and warn the qualified voters of said town, (by leaving at each dwelling house in the town a written or printed notice of the time, place and objects of the meeting at least one hour before the time of the holding the meeting) to meet at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 29th day of June current, at 4 o'clock P.M. for the following purposes, viz.:- 1st. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator, and to choose the same. 2d. To see if the town will take any measures to fill the quota of the town under future calls, and to adopt any legal measures therefor either by raising money or otherwise. Hereof fail not, but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon, one hour at least before the time appointed for said Meeting - Given under our hands and seal this 27th day of June in the year 1864. Joseph Wilson James Hill J. T. Ober Selectmen of Beverly Lawson Walker Robert S. Foster and the following return was made by the Constables.- see warrant on file. Essex, ss. June 29,1864 12 o'clock P.M. I have notify the qualified voters of Washington and Cove school districts in Beverly as within directed - William P. Moses, Constable of Beverly and a return in same form for Bass River and Dodge's Row Dists. by John H. Chipman Constable of Beverly, and a return in same form for Bald Hill District by Ephraim Hathaway, Constable of Beverly and a return in same fen- for East Farms & West Farms Districts by George T. Larcom, Constable of Beverly and a return in same form for South District by Israel W. Wallis, Constable of Beverly and a retum in same form for Grammar District by Andrew Wallis, Constable of Beverly. A true record of original warrant and form of return thereon. Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held in pursuance of the foregoing warrant at the Town Hall on Wednesday the 29th day of June A.D. 1864. Voted a Moderator be chosen by hand vote & Benjamin C. Cole was thus chosen. On motion of Hon. J. I. Baker, Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to pay the sum of one hundred & twenty-five dollars for each volunteer who may duly enlist and be mustered into the military service of the United States as a part of the quota of this town, under any order or call of the President of the United States issued after March 1,1864 and before March 1, 1865. Equal to this town's proportion of 500,000 men, and that they be authorized to use the credit of the town to carry out the purpose of these votes. Voted, that the Selectmen be authorized to appoint a Committee from among the enrolled men in town who shall act in conjunction with themselves and the Union Fund Committee, to assist in raising money and procuring investments. Voted, that the Selectmen be authorized, as far as by law authorized to apply the conditions of the foregoing vote to men enlisting in the Navy. Voted, that the meeting be dissolved. A true record. Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk