1863-07-25doings 1863. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly. Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn in the usual manner the qualified voters of said town, to meet at the Town Hall on Saturday the 25th day of July current at Three o'clock in the afternoon for the following purposes. 1st. To decide the manner of choosing a Moderator, and to choose the same. 2d. To get an expression of the opinion of the town in regard to the manner in which the enrollment and draft have been conducted, and also to see if the town will grant the bounty of three hundred dollars, to each able bodied man that has been, or may hereafter be drafted and do anything in regard thereto as they may think proper. 3d. To see what sum of money, if any, the town will raise by tax or otherwise, in aid of the families and dependents of those persons, who may be drafted and serve in the army of the United States. 4th. To see if the town will accept and allow of the laying out of the way in continuation of Thorndike Street, according to the report of the Selectmen now on file in the Office of the Town Clerk and Establish the same as a town way, and also to act and do anything in regard to establishing the grade of said way, and the street connecting therewith. Hereof fall not, but make due return of this warrant, with your thereon before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our hands and seal the sixteenth day of July A.D. John Meacom Joseph Wilson Robert S. Foster Selectmen of Beverly Essex, ss. Beverly July 22d 1863. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed by posting notices thereof at or near each of the public meeting houses in town, and at other places as required by the Town Regulations. W. P. Moses, Constable. A true copy of the original warrant and return thereon Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the Town of Beverly held (in pursuance of the warrant recorded on the next preceding page) at the Town Hall on Saturday the 25th day of July A.D. 1863 at Three o'clock P.M.- It was voted. That a Moderator be chosen by hand vote, and John Meacom was thus chosen. Upon the 2d Article, a motion to indefinitely postpone was put to the meeting and lost, also a motion that no demonstration be allowed was also lost, no other motions being offered the next article was taken up. Upon Article 3d Respecting Aid to the Families of Drafted Men Voted. That the provisions of the vote of the town passed on the ninth day of March last, be extended so as to include therein the families and dependents of all drafted persons, who may serve in the army, and, also, to pay the family of each drafted person who may serve in the, the sum of eight hundred dollars per month, in addition to the amount refunded by the state. Upon Article 4th. Report of Selectmen on Continuation of Thorndike St. Voted. That the whole subject of this article be indefinitely postponcd. Voted - to adjourn, and the meeting was declared by the Moderator adjourned sine die. A true record. Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk