1859-03-14Commonwealth Massachusetts Essex, ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly: Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn the quahfied voters of said town (in the usual manner) to meet at Town Hall on Monday the fourteenth day of March, current, at Nine o'clock before noon for the following purposes, viz.:- 1st. To choose a Moderator. 2d. To choose town officers for the ensuing year, and grant them such pay for their services as the town may think expedient. 3d. To see if the town will build a cistern near the junction of Davis and Cabot Streets,- per petition of Alpheus Davis and others. 4th. To see if the town will purchase a hose carriage and three hundred feet of hose to be located at the Farms:- per petition of Thomas Cruikshank and others. 5th. To see if the town will allow a bounty for the destruction of crows,- per petition of S. D. S. Standley and others. 6th To see if the town will allow the use of the Town Hall by Temperance organizations, for Festivals, Exhibitions etc., for the sum of five hundred dollars each evening, without regard to the time of closing such meetings. Per petition of H. T. Wheeler. 7th. To see if the town will discontinue the town way leading from Herrick Street to Colon Street or any part thereof.- Per petition of B. W. Standley & others. 8th. To see if the town will accept and allow the action of the Selectmen in laying out a town way leading from Rantoul Street to Cabot Street between the houses of Mary W. Vickery and Samuel P. Lovett, and establish said way, according to the Report of said Selectmen now on file in the office of the Town Clerk. 9th. To take such action as the town may think expedient in regard to Essex Bridge, between Beverly and Salem. 10th. To see what measures the town will take to protect themselves from the unlawful traffic in intoxicating liquors, and the evil consequences resulting therefrom. 11th. To adopt such measures, grant such sums of money, and make such regulations in regard to the High School, and other schools throughout the town, and act and do anything respecting the same as they may deem expedient. 12th. To adopt such measures, grant such sums of money, and make such regulations in regard to the construction, repairs, and improvements of the Highways and town ways throughout the town as they may deem expedient. 13th. To grant such sums of money to be raised upon the polls and estates within the town, for the purpose of defraying the debts of the town, and for the expenses of the current year, as may be deemed expedient, and make all necessary allowances and regulations respecting the same. 14th. To see if the town will accept the Jury List as revised by the Selectmen. Hereof fail not, but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time. Given under our hands and seal this fourth day of Mareh in the year Eighteen Hundred Fifty Nine. William H. Lovett Lawson Walker Thomas A. Morgan Selectmen of Beverly A. T. Dodge Beverly March 11th, 1859. This is to certify that I have notified the persons therein named, as therein directed, by posting notices thereof at or near each of the meeting houses in said town, according to the Town Regulations. John R. Tibbetts, Constable. A true copy of the original warrant and return thereon Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly, held in pursuance of the warrant recorded on the two next preceding pages, at the Town Hall on Monday the fourteenth day of March in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Nine at Nine o'clock in the forenoon; the same being the Annual March Meaning. The meeting was called to order at the time appointed, by the Clerk, who read the warrant, and received the ballots for Moderator, and the meeting Voted. By ballot, that William H. Lovett be Moderator. Prayers were then offered by Rev. John Nichols. Voted. By ballot, that James Hill be Town Clerk. Then in open town meeting, immediately after the above choice James Hill aforesaid was sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of the office of Town Clerk of the town of Beverly, by and before me Wm. H. Lovett, Moderator. The following officers were then elected by ballot. Seiectmen. William H. Lovett, John Ober, Thomas A. Morgan, Albert T. Dodge, and John Meacom. Assessors. James Hill, Amos Lefavour, Benjamin Preston, Elisha Woodbury, and Francis Jenness Treasurer. Robert G. Bennett, also voted, that he receive twenty dollars for his services. Collector of Taxes. Ezra Edwards Jr., also voted the Collector of Taxes shall be allowed one and a half percent on all collected by him and paid into the Treasury. Inspector of Police. Jacob Lunt. Constables. John J. Dennis, Jacob Lunt, John R. Tibbetts, William P. Moses, Levi Cole, Charles Elliot, S. D. S. Standley, George T. Larcom, and Benjamin H. Needham. Overseers of the Poor. Benjamin D. Grant, John Hill, Israel W. Wallis, Ezra Batchelder, and Daniel Trow. Trustees of the Public Library. Benjamin 0 Peirce. Board of Health. Charles Stephens, Seth Norwood, and Stephen Abbott 2d. Noon having arrived the meeting adjourned to half past one o'clock P.M. at which time the voters again assembled, and the following officers were chosen by hand vote. Auditors. James Hill, Robert R. Endicott, and George H. Stickney. Surveyors of Lumber. John H. Cross, William Webber, William A. Hatch, Robert Remmonds Jr., Samuel Lee, Jonathan Briant, John Moore and Hooper A. Appleton. Fence Viewers. John Osbom, Charles H. Stocker, and Seth Norwood. Sealers of Leather. Alpheus Trask, William P. Moses. Inspector of Lime. John Osbom Surveyors of Highways. Ward 1. Isaac Appleton Ward 2. Isaac Prince Ward 3. West D. Eldredge Ward 4. Benjamin Williams Ward 5. Isaac Standley Ward 6. Hiram Preston Ward 7. Benjamin Ludden Ward 8. Robert N. Lee Ward 9. John D. Standley Ward 10. Joseph Conant Ward 11. Aawn Dodge Ward 12. Peter E. Clark Ward 13. Alfred Cole Ward 1. Ward 1. Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Field Drivers Charles Carrico William A. Teague Charles H. Stocker Daniel S. Trask Henry Brower Franklin N. Burchsted John Burchsted William Preston Benjamin Woodbury Emerson G. Shaw 9. Elbridge Standley 10. John Osbom 11. Henry Collins 12. Andrew Thissell 13. Joshua S. Dodge Pound Keeper. Charles N. Wallis. Clerk of the Market. John Osborn. The several Reports of the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, Fire Department, and Board of Health, were read and accepted. The Auditor's Report was also taken up and accepted. The School Committee Report was taken up, and a portion of it read and it was, voted, that further consideration of the School Committee Report be deferred to the Meeting in April. Voted. That the Auditor's Report shall not be distributed the ensuing year. Voted. That all Reports be left at the office of the Town Clerk in future. Voted. That the number of the School Committee be increased to twelve, and that the Election of School Committee be deferred til the adjournment of this meeting in April. Voted. That each board of officers give an estimate of the public property in their hands, and that the same be published with the Auditor's Report. Upon Article 3d. Petition of Alphens Davis and others for a cistern. Voted. That the whole subject of this Article, be indefinitely postponed. Upon Article 4. Petition of T.Cruikshrank & others for hose and hose carriage. Voted. That the whole subject of this Article, be indefinitely postponed. Upon Article 5. Petition of S. D. S. Standley for bounty on Crows. Voted. That the whole subject of this Article be indefinitely postponed. Upon Article 6. Petition of H. T. Wheeler for use of Town Hall. Voted. To refer the subject to the Selectmen. Voted. That the further consideration of the article be indefinitely postponed. Upon Article 7. Petition of B. W. Standley & others for discontinuance of Town way. Voted. That the petitioners have leave to withdraw. Upon Article 8. Report of Selectmen upon petition of Israel Trask 5th and others for way. Voted. That the whole subject be indefinitely postponed Voted Article 9. Relating to Essex Bridge. Voted. To refer this article to the Selectmen, to take such action as they think best for the interests of the town. Upon Article 10. Relating to the Liquor Traffic. Voted. That the Selectmen take such measures as they may deem necessary in behalf of the town, in regard to the enforcement of the laws for suppressing or regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors within the town. Voted. That the Selectmen be required to make a statement of the doings of the Liquor Agency. Upon Article 10. Relating to Schools. F. W. Choate Esq. offered the following motion. "That the High School be located in the Grammar District for the coming year."- Lost. 233 in favor 294 opposed. A reconsideration of the last vote was moved, and after several ineffectual motions, to lay the motion for reconsideration on the table, to suspend the rules, and some other trifling motions. The motion for reconsideration was withdrawn, by leave of the meeting. Benjamin D. Grant offered the following motion. "That the High School be located at Washington District provided their School House can be obtained for that purpose." A motion to adjourn was lost. The previous question was called for on Mr. Grant's motion, 246 to 235. The question was then taken upon adopting the motion offered by Mr. Grant, and the morion was lost, 235 in favor 257 opposed. John T. Ober, submitted the following motion. "That the High School be located at the West Farms in the same building as last year." S. D. Herrick moved an amendment, by striking out all after the word "located" and inserting "South District." A motion for the previous question was lost. Voted. To proceed to the next article in the warrant. Voted. To lay article 12 upon the table. Voted. That when we adjourn, we adjourn until tomorrow, Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. Voted. That this meeting now adjourn, and it was accordingly declared adjourned by tbe Moderator, to Tuesday March 15th at nine o'clock in the morning. On Tuesday March 15th at nine o'clock in the forenoon the voters of the town again assembled agreeably to the adjournment. The motion submitted by John T. Ober on the previous day with the amendment thereto submitted by Mr. Herrick was taken up. The question being taken upon Mr. Herrick's amendment, it was lost A motion to refer the whole subject to the School Committee, was lost. A motion to reconsider the last vote was submitted, which the Chair decided could not bo entertained until the next succeeding day of the meeting. An appeal was taken from the decision of Chair, and the Chair was not sustained. The question was then taken on reconsideration, and lost. Several trifling amendments were submitted, and lost. Tho question was then taken upon the motion upon the motion submitted by the John T. Ober on Monday, to wit- "That the High School be located at the West Farms in the same building as last year," and it was adopted. A motion to reconsider the last vote was lost, Voted. That the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred dollars be appropriated for the support of the Schools throughout the town the coming year. Voted. That the sum of One Thousand dollars be appropriated for the support of the High School the ensuing year. Voted. That the sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred dollars be appropriated for the support of the District Schools throughout the town the coming year; the same to be expended and distributed as follows;- one fifth of the whole sum to be equally divided among the several School Districts; and the balance to be divided among the several Districts, in proportion to the number of children in each district on the first day of May next between the ages of five and fifteen years. A motion to reconsider the last vote, was lost, as also an amendment proposing to divide the whole money in proportion to the number of children in each district. Upon Article 12. Relating to Highways. Voted that the sum of Two Thousand dollars be appropriated for the construction and repairs of the highways and town ways throughout the town the coming year, and for the Snow Bills of the past season. Voted. That the sum of fifteen cents per hour, each man, be allowed for all labor performed on the highways the ensuing year. Voted. That thc sum of fifteen cents per hour be allowed each team, which shall include cart, and all other tools, except the plough; and that the sum of twenty five cents per day, be allowed for use of a plough. Upon Article 13. Money Grant. Voted. That the sum of Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred dollars be raised and assessed upon the polls and estates, within the town, to defray thc debts of the town, and to meet the current expenses of the coming year. Voted. That the Collector deliver or cause to be delivered at the last or usual place of abode of each inhabitant of the town, or to such inhabitant in person, as soon as may be after the taxes are assessed, the list of the taxes such person has been assessed, and that all a discount of five percent shall be allowed on the town taxes of all persons, who shall pay or settle all taxes due from them on or before the last day of October next; four percent on all who pay on or before the last day of November next; and three percent on all who pay on or before the last day of December next; and that so far as practicable, he shall on the first day in January next, put in suit all taxes then due, commencing with the highest and so on to the lowest tax; providing always that the Collector shall call once for his tax; aider leaving the bill thereof, before putting the same in suit. Voted. That the Town Treasurer be authorized to hire money to meet all lawful demands made upon the Treasury, whenever the same may be necessary. The following is the List of Jurors accepted by the town at the Annual Meeting March 14,1859. John Abbott Hooper A. Appleton Isaac Appleton Simeon Beckford Austin Burnham George Butman Jonathan Briant Zachariah Cole William D. Crosfield Aaron Dodge Albert T. Dodge Azor Dodge, Jr. Charles S. Dodge Jonathan S. Dodge William E. Dodge Asa Edwards Israel O. Edwards Stephen P. Elliott Robert R. Endicott Shadrack Fisk Daniel Foster Daniel Foster 2d Ezra S. Foster Henry F. Foster Issacher Foster Nathan H. Foster Samuel Foster William P. Friend Augustus Giles Edmund Giles Benjamin Goldsbury Benjamin D. Grant Perkins Haskell Ephraim Hathaway John B. Hill Zebulon O. Hale Luther Herrick Samuel D. Herrick Francis Jenness John Larcom Asa Larcom Benjamin Larcom Francis Larcom Rufus Larcom Samuel S. Lee John Lefavour Amos Lefavour Cyrus W. Ward Moses Marshall George S. Millett Thomas A. Morgan John Meacom Andrew R. Ober Joseph Ober Joseph E. Ober John Ober Samuel Ober Ariel Osbom Thomas Pickett Jeremiah Porter 2d Edward P. Potter Warren Prince Charles H. Preston Robert Remmonds, Jr. John S. Smith John O. Standley Herbert S. Standley George H. Stickney George W. Stickney Charles H. Stocker John Stone Israel Trask 4th Joshua F. Trask Joseph Thissell David Thissell Joseph Thissell Benjamin Wallis Eleazar Wallis Edward Wallis 2d Daniel Wallis John E. Wallis Luther Wallis William Webber Joseph Wilson William B. Witham Robert Whipple John P. Webber, Jr. Edwin Woodberry Henry Woodberry Levi Woodberry 2d Luther Woodberry Nathan Woodberry Stephen S. Woodberry William G. Woodberry At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held at the Town Hall on Monday the fourth day of April in the year 1859, the same being the adjournment of the Annual March Meeting. The Meeting was called to order at the time appointed, by the Moderator, William H. Lovett, and proceeded with the transaction of the following business. The following persons were chosen by ballot to fill vacancies caused by the declination of persons chosen at the March Meeting. Overseers of the Poor. Robert S. Foster in place of Israel W. Wallis. Board of Health. John S. Smith in place of Charles Stevens Samuel Woodberry for Farms Francis Jenness for North Beverly Added by vote of the town David Standley for Dodges Row Auditor. Andrew F. Leach in place of Robert R. Endicott. The following persons were elected by ballot as School Committee Charles Haddock Joseph D. Tuck for three years O. F. Swasey William Thorndike Zachariah Cole for two years. Augustus Moulton John Knowlton for one-year The following persons were elected by hand vote Fence Viewer. Henry P. Herrick in place of John Osborn. Inepector of Lime. John Morgan in.place of John Osborn. Surveyors of Highways Ward 9. Charles Perry in place of John D. Standley Ward 10. Ariel Dodge in place of Joseph Conant. Field Drivers Ward 2. John H. Woodberry additional Ward 3. West D. Eldredge in place of Henry Brower Ward 4. Joseph E. Ober additional Ward 4. Henry Blanchard additional Ward 5. Charles H. Patch in place of John Burchsted Ward 7. Abraham B. Lord in place of Benjamin Woodberry Ward 8. Amos Trask in place of Emerson G. Shaw Ward 10. John D. Wilson in place of John Osbom Ward 11. William Richardson additional Ward 12. Peter D. Clark in place of Andrew Thissell Ward 13. Henry F. Foster in place ofJoshna S. Dodge. Surveyors of Lumber Joseph E. Ober in place of Samuel S. Lee Daniel Wailis in place of Jonathan Briant Clerk of the Market. Charles H. Stocker in place of John Osbom The School Committee Report was presented and accepted. Thc Report of thc Trustees of the Public Library was read and accepted. Voted. That the sum of five hundred twenty-six dollars, the amount asked for by the Trustees in their Report, be appropriated for the support of the Library the ensuing year. Voted. That the Selectmen be instructed in behalf of the town to take effectual measures forthwith to cause the drain or water course leading from Front Street to Water Street through land in thc occupation of O. D. Prinsman and others, to be put in good repair for use, and that they keep the same in good repair for the propose of draining said Front Street as originally intended. A motion to reconsider the vote whereby the town indefinitely postponed the laying out of the town way leading from Rantoul to Abbott Streets between the houses of Samuel P. Lovett and Mary W. Vickery, was lost 103 to 67. Voted. That this meeting be dissolved, and it was so declared by the Moderator. Attest. James Hill, Town Clerk