1892-06-09 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex, ss. To either of the Constables of the town of Beverly, in said County, Greeting: You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth to notify and warn in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the town, the qualified voters of said town to meet at the Town Hail in said Beverly, on Thursday the ninth day of June next, at thirty minutes past seven o'clock afternoon, for the following purposes, viz.; pt. To choose a Moderate. 2nd. To see if the Town of Beverly will authorize Perry Collier or others to settle and adjust all suits and matters in controversy between said town and George H. Norman and the New England Construction Company, - as per petition of Ansel J. Chency and others. 3d. To see if the town will establish and maintain a street light at the junction of River Street and Webber Avenue, - as per petition of Jeremiah Harrigan and others. Hereof fail not, but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before the time of holding said meeting. Given under our hands and seal this twenty eighth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Freeborn W. Cressy Robert R. Endicott Selectmen Charles G. Hardy of John H. Woodberry Beverly Isaac H. Edgett Essex, ss. Beverly, June 6, A.D. 1892. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant, I have notified the persons therein named as therein directed, by posting notifications stating the time, place and objects of said meeting at each of the several places in town required by the Town Regulations. William M. Woodberry, Constable of Beverly. A true copy of the original warrant and the return thereon. Attest. William H. Lovett, Town Clerk.. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held, in pursuance of the warrant recorded on the two next preceding pages, at the Town Hall in said town on Thursday the ninth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety two, at thirty minutes past seven o'clock afternoon, the Meeting having been called to order at the time appointed, by the Town Clerk, who read the warrant therefore, it was Voted that the Moderator be chosen by open nomination and hand vote. It was Voted that Freeborn W. Cressy be Moderator. Upon Article 2. The George H. Norman suit. Upon motion of Albert Vittum it was Voted that Mr. Huntington of Salem be allowed to address the meeting upon the subject of this article. Upon motion of Perry Collier it was Voted that action upon this article be postponed until the next annual town meeting. Upon Article 3. Street Light, River Street and Webber Avenue. Upon motion of Perry Collier it was Voted that an oil street light be established and maintained at the junction of River Street and Webber Avenue. It was Voted that this Meeting be dissolved. A true record. Attest. William H. Lovett, Town Clerk.