1692-05-06[May 6, 1692] An account of what is to unto particular persons here under named in pay for their labor about highways in our Town of Beverly after they had paid their pay part unto a town rate in the year 1689, William Elliott being then Constable. Imprs.Isaac Hull ser.:2s: Samuel Balch:9s: Exercise Conant 5s-8d: John Raymond sen:2s-6d: Ebenezer Woodberry:1s-6d: Lot Conant:1lb-1s: Benjamin Balch ser:11s-6d: Thomas Gage7s: Andrew Elliott:2s: Robert Coy 8s: Elias Pickworth 1s: Jonathan Raymond 1s: John Raymond jur.:2s-2d: William Raymond jur.:1s-8d: Mark Haskell1s- 8d: Philip White1s-2d: Benjamin Webster1s: Celeb Wallace1s-10d. 6: 3: 1692: fourteen shillings of the abovesaid twenty-one shillings paid to Lot Conant: the above written all paid only Exercise Conant 2s:8d: Lot Conant:2s: 11d: William Raymond junior 6s: 2d.