1668-03-29[March 29, 1668] mo. A true Record of an agreement of a boundary between Salem & Wenham the 29 1 1667. We whose names are here underwritten being met together to agree of bounds between Salem & Wenham Eastward from ye great pond to determine as followeth yet ye brook which cometh out of ye great pond shall be ye bounds between the towns aforesaid until it meeteth with that brook which cometh from Longham & so taking ye brook for the bounds to the eastward side of Richard Dodge’s farm leaving out the meadow to Salem & exempting them from all rates & dues & demands Wenham & from thence by the edge of ye meadow called Longham to ye upper end of said meadow at Turnup Swamp: to ye east end of the pond, our neighbors who have meadow in Longham butting upon our common shall have trees to fence their meadow & liberty for carting. mark Charles GottWilliam X Dixie Richard KimballSamuel Corning Thomas FiskeJohn Rayment Humphrey Woodbury John West w his mark John Patch 2 his mark