1782-04-09[Selectmen April 9, 1782] th At a meeting of the Selectmen April 9, 1782... I, the subscriber, do hereby covenant, promising and agree with the Selectmen as Overseers of the Or of the Town of Beverly to keep and maintain John Brew, a poor person under their care the term of one year commencing on the seventh day of April 1782 and to find and provide for him good and sufficient meat, drink, washing and lodging, clothing and mending of clothes, the whole of said term, doctor’s bills and nursing excepted, for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen pounds twelve shillings to be paid quarterly, if desired, in witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand this ninth day of April 1782. N. B. That is to return him as well clothed as he received him and per inventory to be taken by order and in behalf of the Selectmen. Jeffrey Thissell