APRIL 5, 1999
Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeath
Mahoney, Rosen, Vitale, and White
Commissioner Lydon
Ken Lewis, Ken Robinson, Harry Wheeler, Marshall Stevens, and Steve
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.
1. Presentations:
Airport Master Plan Update, Dufresne-Henry Inc. - Marshall Stevens
previewed improvement alternatives that would be discussed at a Planning
Advisory Committee Meeting on April 13, 1999. Mr. Stevens informed the
Commission that the FAA approved an Airport Reference Code (ARC) for
Beverly of BII. This would translate into less Runway 9/27 width and less
Runway Safety Area (RSA) length than ARC BIll. Marshall also updated
the Commission on recommended NAVAIDS e.g. GPS approach to Rwy.
9, PAPI's, also additional security fencing, airfield signage, and equipment
Marshall talked of three different alternatives that may be available in
order for BVY to maintain a 5,000' runway capability. Alternative #1 was
a modification of standard. This would be a request to FAA for no changes
to thresholds on safety areas. Alternative #2 was that landing thresholds
would be disphced to the extent needed for FAA compliance. This
"declared distance" info would be published in pilot publications. This
alternative would restfit in less length available for landing but full length
for takeoff. Alternative #3 was a decreasing of Rwy. 9/27 from 5,001' to
4,480' and adding 363' to Rwy. 34 in order to be able still have a 5,000'
runway at BVY.
Marshall reported on what airport areas might be available for apron
and/or hangar improvements. Marshall talked of one tree on private
property that if at least 4' were removed would help in reducing threshold
reduction. An upcoming survey of remaining tree penetrations that is
associated with the Vegetation Management Plan will help in identifying
APRIL 5, 1999
2. Reading of the Minutes for April 5, 1999 - Chairman Farmer called for a
reading of the minutes. Commissioner Duval made a motion to accept the
minutes. Commissioner Gourdeau seconded the motion. Motion passed
Reading of the Financial Report for March 1999 - Chairman Farmer called for
a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White reported that March
figures were not closed out yet at City Hall therefore a financial report was not
FY00 Budget Report - Commissioner White discussed the proposed FY00
budget. Vice Chairman Eaton recommended funds be put in budget for
surveying to be used in lease property description. The approved figure was
$7,000.00. Line item for contracted services was increased approximately
$2,000.00 to cover contract snow removal for the east and west side parking
lots and for the road that leads to Omni Aviation. Chairman Farmer said the
proposed increase would be discussed at a later date.
Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on the city finances approval that
Frank I(illilea needs in order to begin Gurnard remedlation. Latest thinking is
we may have a signed T. Ford lease sometime in June 1999. Chairman Farmer
said that the latest Tom Ford lease would be sent to all Commissioners in order
that they may review it prior to the next BAC meeting on May 10, 1999.
There was discussion that FY99 projects may overlap into FY00 depending on
5-Year Capital Projects meeting scheduled with MAC and FAA on April 23,
1999. Commissioner White said all in all we would probably break even or
make a little revenue in FY00 without the capital projects, but once the capital
projects are done, we would be in the "hole". However, according to
Commissioner White the City Solicitor has said the City Council is not adverse
to those kind of capital project figures because the airport and the city are
getting value from BAC local share e.g. a million dollar project would only
cost $30,000.00 and for the airport to "go get it". Them was some discussion
that sometime in the future the city general fund be asked to pick up capital
local share costs while the airport remained responsible for operations and
maintenance cost. Commissioner White said, according to Marshall Handly,
City Council is receptive to such a presentation.
Chairman Farmer asked for a motion to accept the FY00 budget subject to the
changes as discussed. Commissioner Duval made the motion, seconded by
Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously.
APRIL 5, 1999
Omni Fuel Farm Remediation - Chairman Farmer reported that the City
Solicitor had been in contact with Omni's attorney regarding their lease and the
remediation and it was an on-going item. In the meantime, Omni is tenant-at-
will and is paying their rent
Commissioner White asked about an Omni increase, Chairman Farmer
instructed the airport manager to check the old lease. Airport Manager
Mezzetti said that per the City Solicitor we could increase Omni at any time as
Omni was now a tenant-at-will. Airport Manager will check to see what was
previous Omni CPI mechanism.
Wayside Transcorp - Airport Manager Mezzetti reported that Wayside
Transcorp has not been able to use the area offofBurley Street/Rwy. 16 area
due to soft dirt and was using alternative storage site in the Gurnard area. Per
Wayside, they would need to grade in the Burley Street area to make it useful.
Airport Manager had checked with Wenham ConCom and permission to grade
within 100' of a wetland would require meetings, grading plan, siltation plans,
The Airport Manager suggested that we find Wayside Transcorp an alternative
area of the same square footage. Chairman Farmer suggested the area that
Civil Defense is using to park CD vehicles and the graded area across the street
from CD parking.
Chairman Farmer said it would be a far cry liom what he needs but it would be
something for Wayside. The Wayside agreement is a 30-day teat-at-will type
agreement. Any Wayside parking in the Gurnard/Nike Road side area would be
temporary as the land in that area will ultimately be under commercial lease.
The area by old Rwy. 20 along perimeter fencing was discussed as an option
and dismissed. Chairman Farmer said that it was his opinion that it will get to
the point that it will be the end of the road someday for Wayside. Airport
Manager Mezzetti had earlier said that according to the agreement, the Lessee
accepted the space (Burley Street/Rwy. 16 area) in its present condition
without any liability or obligation on the pan of Lessor to make any alterations,
improvements or repairs of any kind within or to the space, but that because
Wayside has not been able to fully use the Burley Street/Rwy. 16 area yet has
APRIL 5, 1999
been paying regular rent, in good conscience we should reduce his rent or
allow him rent free occupancy for a stipulated time. Chairman Farmer
suggested that for the time being we locate the containers at the Nike site
wherever we can. Chairman Farmer also suggested Mark Foster might have
some areas available at the Civil Defense area. There was no action taken
regarding a reduction or suspension in Wayside rent.
Commercial Landing Fees - The airport' s landing fees were discussed
including what other neighboring airports were charging. The Airport Manager
felt we could increase our current fees. A discussion ensued. Commissioner
Barnleo suggested increasing turbo prop landing fees from $10.50 to $12.00 or
$12.50, heavy twins from $8.25 to $10.00, light jets from $12.00 to $15.00,
heavy jets from $15.00 to $25.00, heavy jets over 16 seats $30.00.
Commissioner Duval asked if we needed a basis for our rates e.g. rates based
on weight versus just sitting around and saying what rate sounds good.
Commissioner Duval suggested that our rates be based on a methodology that
can be supported and defended, rather than based on what we felt like
charging; for example look at an average weight for each of the types of
aircraft and then compute how much per thousand pounds.
Commissioner Gourdeau inquired about a sign at the transient ramp that
informs transients of fees. Airport Manager Mezzetti said we have two signs
that will be installed that instruct transients to contact GAS for assistance.
Land Use by Doozer Tenants - Chairman Farmer said that while the tenants
occupy the footprint of the building they use almost as much space in the hack
of the building. Chairman Farmer said that separate paperwork might be
needed if we want to allow the tenants the use of the space. The other problem
was three pool company vehicles in the general parking lot that are obstructing
the view of oncoming traffic. Airport Manager will take a look at it and come
up with a recommendation.
The Airport Manager's report for the meeting was included in the commission
packets. Subjects covered were Omni fuel farm remediation, Airport Y2K
fireworks display, fire hydrant and gate by end of Rwy. 27, Gurnard remediation
status, Tom Ford lease, consultant selection, McLellan insurance, Gongas offer,
and MAC herbicide program.
APRIL 5, 1999
Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that the "Something Different
Cafe" is applying for a bee and wine license, that they would serve after noon
time only Tuesday through Sunday until 2:00PM. Commissioner Vitale made a
motion to approve the restaurant's beer and wine license application.
Commissioner Dean seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
· Chairman Farmer updated the Commission on cutting oil that got into the
water/sewer trench on Nike Road.
Commissioner Farmer informed the Commission that we had a meeting with
Tom Ford and he still wants to go with the project: that the T. Ford Lease
Subcommittee would be talking about it shortly, that per the Mayor, funding
for Phase II Ransom Remediation will go before Council on May 3rd.
Chairman Farmer talked about the trees at the end of Rwy. 27 e.g. cutting
down obstruction trees and raplacing them with pine trees and of a future talk
between the Mayor and the Beverly Airport abutter Tom Vasile.
· Chairman Farmer asked the Commissioners that if they had problems with
downtown to bring it to his attention first.
· Chairman Farmer is talking with Vice Chairman Eaton on a proposal to have
an airport workshop with local politicians.
· Chairman Farmer informed the Commission on the Carmen Ciampa status.
· Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that Harry and Terry Wheeler
have taken over control of New England Flyers from Rod Goreham.
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau.
Motion passed unanimously.