1780-10-04th At a meeting of the Selectmen Oct. 4 1780. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Constable Jonathan Dodge three hundred & ninety-two pounds eleven shillings for sundry abatements in his lists for the year 1778 and 1779 and for services done for the Town the above said years as followeth. Viz. 15.13.0 for Jacob Perry’s tax, died in captivity. 29.1.6 for Hannah Cox’s tax, extreme poor and son deceased. 11.11.6 for John Wadden’s taxes, extreme poor 10.15.0 for Benjamin Bowden’s tax, not of the Town. 6.10.0 for Henry Herrick 2nd’s tax, in captivity. 5.5.0 for William Dixey’s tax, long in captivity. 2.9.6 for Freeborn Groves’, long missing, if alive. 10.15.0 for William Gage’s tax, unfortunate by sea. 4.4.0 for Ebenezer Allen’s tax, died at sea, left nothing. 96.5.0 13.1.6 for Benjamin Peirce’s, absconded from Town. 5.10.0 for [illegible] Wyer’s tax, he being taxed by mistake. 5.10.0 for William Ellinwood, in captivity. 7.0.0 for Benjamin Whipple’s tax, absconded from Town. 44.16.0 for George Batchelder’s ditto, long missing at sea, if alive. 33.14.0 for Nicholas Obear’s ditto, long missing at sea, if alive. 13.7.0 for Edward Paine’s ditto, absconded from Town. 34.7.0 for Thomas Langdell’s ditto, long missing at sea, if alive. 13.18.0 for William Sprigg’s ditto, absconded. 11.4.0 for John Wallis’ ditto, long missing, if alive. 10.0.0 for Mary Cox’s son’s poll, missing at sea. 16.18.0 for John Porter’s tax, very poor. 6.8.0 for verbally warning 6 Districts and the Whole Town one by notifications in 1778. 9.0.0 for warning Town officers to be sworn in 1779. 30.0.0 for warning 5 meetings by notification and 1779. 15.0.0 for warning verbally 5 wards in 1779. 27.0.0 for sundry services done for the Town and lost money etc. 392.11.0