1780-01-12th At a Meeting of the Selectmen January the 121780. Ordered the Treasurer to pay John Fall thirty pound, being extreme poor. Ordered the Treasurer to pay John Candish thirty pound, extreme poor. Ordered the Treasurer to pay either of the Committee for Supply in the Soldiers’ Families with Necessaries four hundred pound to enable them to perform that service. Delivered to William Hazeltine. th They ordered that a Town meeting should be warned and held on the 17 day of January instant to be warned verbally be held at two o’clock afternoon at the stated place for holding of town meetings in said town. 1ly. To choose some persons to serve as Selectmen, Assessor & Committee of Correspondence etc. 2ly. To see what sum of money they will grant to be raised and assessed on the polls and estates within said Town for the defraying the charge of the war and the necessary charges arising within said Town and act and do any thing relative thereto as they shall think best. And there was five warrants issued out to the five Constables directing them each of them verbally to warn the District they belong to or are Constables for accordingly. Attest Joseph Wood, T. Clerk