1779-03-08th At a meeting of the Selectmen Mar. 81779. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Dea. John Conant eleven pounds of the Town’s money for the following accounts viz. To 5 ½ days making the War Tax.6-10-0 To 4 days about settling of Town accounts, procuring clothing and sundry services.4-10-0 Ordered the Treasurer to pay Josiah Woodberry thirteen pounds fourteen shillings in full for the following accounts viz. To ringing the bell and sweeping Meeting House for Town Meetings the year2-5-0 past. To tolling the bell at burying of Joseph Pierce’s wife.9-0 To dating of grave and tolling of the bell for the burying of the widow Howard’s3-14-0 to other children. To digging grave for John Webb’s widow.1-10-0 To digging a grave for John Clark’s son.1-6-0 To digging a grave for Marian Presson.1-10-0 To digging of a grave for Hannah Malloy.3-0-0 £ 13-14-0 Ordered the Treasurer to pay John Dike forty-two shillings for a pair of shoes for John Martin. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Josiah Batchelder Esq. forty pound one schilling in full of his account for sundries found and provided for wid. Elizabeth Howard and children and wid. Hannah Malloy when they were sick and died, it being done by the desire of the Selectmen.