1779-03-05th At a Meeting of the Selectmen Mar. 5 1779. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Mr. Isaac Thorndike thirty seven pounds four shillings and two pence together with seven pounds ten shillings for a gound he had of Mary Woodberry’s and one pound nineteen shillings & 6 for sundry things sold him of Hanna Malloy’s is in full of his account as followeth viz. To 1 ½ days taking of valuation copy of taxes and estimates etc.10-14-0 To 6 feet of wood delivered to Joseph Pierce’s wife when sick and very poor.4-1-0 To 5 days regulating Surveyors lists and making Highway Tax.5-0-0 To 9 days making Town and State Tax9-0-0 To 5 ½ days make the War Tax.6-6-0 To 10 ½ days taking care of the poor and about small pox, clothing, sundry accounts of the Town and sundry other services.11-12-8 th At a meeting of the Selectmen Mar. 5 1779 ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. William Langdell fourteen pounds 17/ in full to balance the following accounts viz. To 6 days taking valuation6-12 To 5 days making of War Tax.6-0 To 5 days spent in taking care of the poor, clothing, sundry accounts of the Town6-18-0 etc.19-10-0 credit by sundry things sold him by Selectmen that was Hanna Malloy’s4-13-0 £ 14-17-0 Ordered the Treasurer to pay Thomas Stevens in 1/4 £ 92-0-8 and in one of other£ 27-0-0 in full to balance his account as followeth. £ s d To his account of sundry things found for the wid. Elizabeth Hayward when sick and died in 1778.12-12-0 To his account for the Selectmen & Assessors expenses at his house and expenses of Town Meetings etc..83-8-8 To 5 days taking valuation, taking of copy of estimates & taxes.5-17-0 To 4 days appointing Surveyors their districts and making Highway Tax.2-0-0 To 6 days making of the Town and State Tax and estimates etc. 6-0-0 To 1 ½ days making the War Tax.1-13-0 To time spent about the poor, settling of Town accounts and about the small pox at sundry times and for sundry services down for the Town.9-04-0 To his account of sundries delivered to Joseph Peirce’s wife when she sickened and died with the small pox.4-1-0 £ 124-15-8 Credit by sundry goods of Hanna Malloy’s bought of Selectmen.5-15-0 £ 119-0-8 Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Edmund Giles four pounds he being over taxed that sum in 1778. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Joseph Wood thirty-one pounds eighteen shillings & 4d in full to balance the following account of his exhibited and allowed while it is as followeth viz. £ s d th 1778 May 5 to cash paid Capt. Langdell for clothing for Susannah Ellinwood’s child and for John Martin.3-12-0 To cash paid Edward Trask for hauling the militia baggage to Tiverton.18-0-0 2 ½ peck of corn ditto to Joseph Peirce’s wife. 0-8-0 th Sept. 7 to cash paid Capt. Isaac Chapman for the Selectmen’s expenses at his house & for his time and trouble about Miss Louis’ goods.5-3-0 To 9 days making of the Town and State Tax.9-0-0 The drawing of warrants into the Constables’ List and orders to the Constables.2-5-0 To recording of the Town and State Tax6-0-0 To 20 feet of board and some nails to repair school house.12-0 To 1 day’s time to get said house repaired etc.1-10-0 To 7 days taking of valuation.7-14-0 To cash paid wid. Elizabeth Ellinwood for house rent for Miss Louis in full.2-2-0 To cash paid Dr. Israel Woodberry on Jonathan Boyles account for his account for doctoring John Edwards when said Boyles stabbed him.3-15-0 To 5 ½ days making of the War Tax.6-12-0 th Jan. 7 to recording of said tax.3-12-0 To cash paid for expense at Shaw’s when settled with the Bass River School Committee.0-12-0 To time and expense about Hannah Malloy.3-11-0 To cash paid Eben Ellinwood for Continental soldiers expenses at his house.1-10-0 To 5 days settling of Town accounts etc. 6-11-0 To10 quire of paper for Town’s use.4-10-0 To his premium as Town Clerk the year past.20-0-0 To 3 days time spent about the small pox.2- 11-0 To time taking care of the poor and for sundry other services for the Town.8-19-8 Credit by cash received for guns sold etc..116-15-8 By cash received of Daniel Dane on Samuel Dane’s account for the expense of the49-8-0 small pox.4-14-0 By cash received of Capt. Chapman for the Town’s account against Miss Louis.13-6-0 By cash received of Mr. Peter Pride of Israel Boyle on Jonathan Boyle’s account.7-17-6 By cash received of Joshua Cleaves for five years rent of the Upper School House of the Town.2-8-0 By sundry things bought of Hanna Malloy’s by cash received of Peter Shaw.6-19-0 £ 84-18-6 Ordered the Treasurer to pay Mr. William Hazeltine sixteen pounds to shillings and three pence 55/7 of said sum for keeping a District School part of the time in the year 1777 in Mackerel Cove District and £ 6-13-4 for keeping of said District School for 1778 and £ 6-13-4 for keeping of said District’s School in 1779. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Isaac Chapman ninety-eight pounds six shillings it being th for money that the Selectmen had of him on the 20 of August 1777 to buy twenty firearms, sixteen gun locks, about four hundred weight of lead and a number of flints for the use of the Town. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Joseph Osborne 30/8 he being taxed in 1777 that sum for land he did not own.