1777-02-14th At a meeting of the Selectmen Feby. 14 1777. Ordered the Town Clerk to issue out the following warrant for calling of a Town Meeting viz. Essex, ss. To Mr. Charles Dodge one of the Constables of the Town of Beverly. Greeting. Whereas many doubts and scruples arise in the mind of some of the people, Inhabitants of said Town th respecting the legality of their meeting & proceedings at a Town Meeting on the 10 instant, we therefore for the removal of such doubts and scruples from the mind of the good people of this Town we do in the name of the Government and People of the State of the Massachusetts Bay require you forthwith to notify and warn verbally the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town that are qualified by law to vote in Town affairs and live in the First Parish in said Town to assemble and meet th together on Monday the 17 day of February instant at 2 o’clock afternoon at the usual place for holding Town Meetings in said Town. To see if the Town will agree to ratify and confirm their proceedings at their Town Meeting on the th 10 day of February instant relative to their giving, assessing and raising a bounty for the noncommissioned officers and private soldiers that have or shall enlist into the Continental Army for three years or during the war etc. and determine upon any further ways and means for the filling the Continental Army as they shall think will be most for the public good. Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant at or before said time by order of the Selectmen th of Beverly Feb. 14 1777. Joseph Wood, T. Clerk. The above said warrant was issued out accordingly as also one other of smaller nature to Constable Samuel Woodbury to warn the Precinct of Salem and Beverly in said Town by order of the Selectmen th Feb. 14 1777. Joseph Wood, Town Clerk