1777-03-10th At meeting of Selectmen March 10 1777. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Joseph Baker Levin pounds in full for the expense of the selectman committee of safety & the town meeting at his house the year past. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Mr. Jonathan Perkins 6...13...4 for keeping district school the winter past near William Dodge’s corner. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Joseph Woodberry 2/6 for repairs on the School House in the Upper Parish in said Town. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Joshua Cleaves for extraordinary charge as Surveyor on the Highway in his ward year past 12/2. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Bartholomew Trask 2/8 extraordinary charge as Surveyor on the Highway in 1776. Ordered the Treasurer to pay William Hazeltine ten shillings for his account for sundry necessaries found William Hales in his last sickness. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Josiah Woodberry thirty shilling and eight pence for the following account viz. £-s-d To ringing the bell for Town meetings year past8-0 To digging a grave for Mary Butman0-4-0 To digging a grave for child of John Todd0-2-8 To digging a grave William Hales0-4-0 To digging a grave for Susanna Patch0-4-0 To digging a grave for Miss Rogers0-4-0 To digging of Moses Foster’s grave0-4-0 £ 1-10-8