1777-06-02ndrd At a meeting of the Selectmen June 2 ordered that a town meeting be called and held on June 3 at 5 o’clock in the afternoon at the stated place for holding Town meetings in said Town for to act on the petition of Lieut. Joshua Dodge, Lieut. Elisha Dodge and others to see if the town will th reconsider any vote or votes that was passed at a Town Meeting on the 26 of May last relative to inoculating of the small pox or any other votes that was passed at said meeting and act and do anything that may be thought proper at said meeting for the public good of the Town. And there was a warrant issued out to Benjamin Woodberry Constable to warn Bald Hill and the Farms Districts verbally and a warrant to Josiah Obear ditto to warn the Ferry District and to Robert Baker ditto to warn for verbally Bass River & Royal Side [Ryal Side] Districts accordingly. Attest Joseph Wood, T. Clerk