1776-08-06th At a meeting of the Selectmen of Beverly August 61776. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Constable William Hazeltine 55/9 for abatements in his list for 1775 viz. For Nicholas Goldsberry rates 14/8 all for James Goldsberry tax 12/11 absconded. For John Todd tax 12/3 this state For David Montgomery 15/11 deceased, extreme poor. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Paul Foster 4/6 over taxed that [illegible] Ordered the Treasurer to pay Daniel Woodberry 58/for the rent of his house and damages he sustained when Thomas Carry had small pox in his house. Ordered the Treasurer to pay John Lovett 3d 25 shillings 11 pence 6/of said some 4 use and damage done his cart when built the breastwork. 6/8 for three day underpinning platforms etc. 9/3 for building and repairing watch house chimney in the fort. 4/ for Jonathan watching two nights in said fort. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Hasadiah Smith 10/ for 2 ½ days work on the watch houses in this town. Ordered the Treasurer to pay wid. Priscilla Woodberry 36/ in full for damages sustained by removing when Thomas Carry had the small pox in her brother Daniel’s house. They ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Josiah Batchelder Jr. 47 pounds 12 shillings and sixth and sand full of his account viz. in two orders one of £ 23:0:0 the other of £ 24:12:6 For his time in attendance at the General Court when sad at Salem in3:10:0 June 1774 as made up by a [illegible] court.0: 10:0 For three days attendance at the Provincial Congress when sat at Salem.3:10:0 For 6 days attendance on ditto at Concord at 5/per 4:5:0 to travel for ditto 17/0: 10:0 Octr. For 14 days attendance on ditto at Cambridge at 5 5: 17:0 for travel for ditto 10/ Nov. To12 days attendance on ditto at 5/ per and travel.8:5:0 1775 Feb. For 17 days attendance on ditto at Cambridge at 50: 17:0 and to travel for ditto 10/11:18:0 Mar. & April For 20 days attendance ditto at Concord at 5 per And travel for ditto 17/0: 6:0 April & MayFor 33 days attendance on ditto at Watertown at 5/£ 47: 12:6 For travel for ditto 17/ stth From May 31 July 18 for 45 days attendance on ditto at Watertown at 5/and travel to ditto 13/ For cash paid Russell Wier for a copy of the impost of our Town. 5:2:6 0: 15: 0 1:10:0 0: 17:0