1776-03-05th At a Meeting of the Selectmen March 5 1776. Ordered the Treasurer to pay to the Israel Woodberry two pounds nineteen shillings and four pence for sundry visits, medicine for the poor of the Town as followeth. To Caleb Clark 6/ Dea George Leech 4/10 to Benjamin Sprig’s 5/64 Miss Pedrick and family 41/4 to Hannah Clark 1/8 all under the care of the Overseers of the Poor. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. William Langdell two pound eleven shillings of the town’s money 31/ of said sum for 8 days time spent in making of the highway province town and county taxes 6/ for time spent as Overseer of the Poor etc. one day to procure corn for the Town 4/10 and 10/ for [illegible] of sundry other services for the Town as per his account on file. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Livermore Wittridge 18/ for twelve day’s time spent about building of breastworks and getting and mounting of cannon as one of the Committee of Correspondence. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Joseph Rae four pounds 5/4 of said sum for one barrel of cider for the people to drink that work on the breastworks and 6/ for1 [illegible] short layers for the breastworks 24/ for his journey and expense to Cambridge after ammunition for the Town 44/8 for 18 days time for building breastworks, procuring and mounting of cannon etc. as one of the Committee of Correspondence of the town. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Dea. Caleb Wallis seven shillings and four pence for a pair of shoes for John Martin. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Ens. Josiah Batchelder fourteen shillings 6/of said sum for one day as surveying and laying out Frost Fish Brook Landing and the Town way from Josiah Trow’s and 6/ for laying out the way to Obear Cove and to Tuck’s Point and two shillings for hauling of the Town’s corn from his house to the mills 26 bushels. It ordered the Treasurer to pay Benjamin Jones Esq. six pounds seven shillings in seven pence in full of his account for sundry visits and medicine for the Poor of the Town under the care of the Overseers viz.. To Martha Thissell 1 – 8 To Hannah Clark4 - 6 To a warrant to remove Hope Beadle’s child 1 - 4 To Mary Butman 6 - 0 - 1 £ 6 - 7 - 7 Ordered the Treasurer to pay William Langdell Jr. sixteen shillings and two pence in full for storing and delivering of 97 bushels of corn of the Town’s. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. William Langdell five pounds seven shillings and one penny in full of his account for sundry done and found for the relief of Joseph Pedrick’s family by order of the Selectmen as per his account this day exhibited on file. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Joseph Pickett seventeen shillings for three days work of himself and 2 days of his boys on the Watch Houses. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Moses Brown one pound thirteen shillings and ten pence in full of his account viz. £ s d for nails to build watch houses with0 - 12 - 2 for cash paid for bricks for etc.0 - 9 - 8 for cash paid for wood for soldiers0 - 4 - 0 for two shovels for the use of the Fort0 - 3 - 7 for two padlocks 2/8 cartridge paper 1/90 - 4 - 5 £ 1 - 13 - 10 Ordered Treasurer to pay Jonathan Perkins six pound thirteen shillings and four pence for keeping of a District School this winter season near Caleb Balch’s corner. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Robert Dodge 2nd eighteen shillings for his journey and expense to Cambridge after shot one 100 wt. and bringing the same. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. John Lovett 4th ten shillings and seven pence abatement of poll tax in 1775, not of age. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Zachariah Stone thirty-six shillings 10/of said sum for two and a half day’s work in building of the Watch Houses and 26/ for six ½ day’s work in building of platforms for the cannon in the fort etc. Ordered the Treasurer to pay James Obear Constable for 1774 five pound fourteen shillings and two pence for abatement in his list of assessment viz. highway tax inset lists of Richard Butman 0-7-1worked out the same this year. Jonathan Biles Jr. 0-3-10 worked out this year. Charles Appleby 0-3-0 gone out of the Province. Nehemiah Allen 0-15-4 gone to Blue Hill Poor. Robert Ellinwood 0-3-7 moved out Town very Poor. Benja. Thorndike 0-4-3 died before they worked Town and Province Charles Appleby 0-5-0 gone out of the province. Wm. Sprig 0-5-0 absconded. Jonathan Gant 1-5-0 not belonging to the Town. John Williams 2-1 extreme Poor. To [illegible] in his Town list of 3-0-0 in his favor. 5-14-2 At the same Meeting of the Selectmen they adjusted their account with Joseph Wood with regard to the cash of he received of the Colony Treasurer for firearms and blankets found by them for the Soldiers. th Credit by cash received of said Treasurer on August 25 1775.85:4:0 [Illegible] by answering of orders and discharging of accounts for the above said firearms and blankets to this day examined to the amount of79:15:3 Allowed said Wood for his journey and expense to Cambridge and Watertown for procuring of said money.0: 18: 0 Allowed said Wood for his time spent in discharging of above said account.0: 4: 0 £ 80:17:3 There remains said Wood’s hands four pounds six shillings and nine pence for£ 4:6:9 which he is accountable. And there remains of the order that was drawn upon the Town Treasurer recorded in this book for blankets and are not by me answered as follows viz. Bartholomew Trask, Peter Woodberry, Joseph Pickett and, Aaron Francis, Stephen Masury, Isaac Kimball, Benjamin Shaw and, John Morgan Jr., Gideon Batchelder, Thomas Butman, Samuel Arbuckle, Samuel Raymond, Zachariah Stone, George Groce, William Lovett, Solomon Cole Jr. and Jonathan Batchelder all amounting in the whole of them to the sum of £ 11-9-4.