1776-11-05th At a meeting of the Selectmen Nov. 5 1776. Ordered the Treasurer to pay wid. Hannah Elliott eight shillings for one quarter’s house rent for Benjamin Pickett which terminated on the third instant. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Marjorie Larcom 73/4 for keeping of Joseph Larcom in full term to 7th instant. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Benjamin Smith 14/4 for keeping of Susanna Ellinwood seven weeks whilst Mrs. Foster’s family had the small pox. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Amos Dodge ten shillings and seven pence abatement of his poll tax for 1775 not belonging to this Town. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Joseph Lovett 33/4 hauling a load of hay to Cambridge last winter by order of [illegible] court.