1995-04-10Cable Television Advisory Commission City of Beverly, Massachusetts Members: Cable Television Advisory Commission Cin/of Beverly. Massachnsev, s Dan Murphy - Chairman A1 Tomy - Asst. Chairman Amy Siemasko Arthur CA~ndall Susan Alvey RobertL~ Robert Tanzella Thomas O'Connor Elizabeth McGlynn Meeting of April 10, 1995 - Beverly Public Lbrary Present - Murphy, Siemasko, O'Connor, TanzeHa, Torsey~ Crandall, Alvey. From Continental - Jill Stark, Jane Lyreart, David Dane Absent: Lee, McGlynn There being a quorum present, the meeting convened at 7:05 p.m. Highlights: * No citizens artended. Lct',cr was received and read from Karen Fogarty, 169 E. Lothrop St. regarding programming choices available through 'Continental Cablevision. It was decided that the chaixmsn would respond via leVtr. · David Dane explained that negotiations between Continental Cablevision and the Federal Communications Commission overrates has resulted in an understanding between the pardes. Therefore, after a period of several months when deutils are ~nalized and possible appeals suisfied, consumers could realize a credit on their cable television bffis. This could take several months and the credit will probably fall between $2 and $10 per customer. , DavidDane observed that cable television regulation reform on the federal · level is unlikely to survive in the Senate. He said new players continue to pwbe the cable TV market. So far, only six subscribers on the entire North Shore have been lost by cable TV rAtrough competition from direa satellite transmission. · Susan Alvey reported that almost 30 questionnaires on the use of Cable television programming in Beverly classrooms had been returned by Beverly teachers and principals. The returned questionnaires were subrnit- ted to Alvey, Jane Lyman and Amy Siemasko for analysis. Results will be reported at the next meeting. · 3iemasko reported that a video produced by CC and the Joint CommitTee on School Facilities is almost ready. · CC will prepare and make available a status report on the tinks to public buildings including schools in Beverly. · Stack reported on programming. She said l0 persons had enrolled in the " current training class. ': - · The next meeting of the Cable TV Advisory Commission will be Monday, May :22, 1995 at the Beverly Public Library. Daniel C. Murphy Chairman