1775-10-03rd At a meeting of Selectmen October 23 1775. Ordered the Treasurer to pay wid. Mary Morse 34/8 for keeping of Susannah Patch 2nd quarter as per agreement. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Dea. Robert Roundy five pounds for keeping Deborah Roundy his first half year as per agreement. Ordered the Treasurer to pay John Pickett ten shillings for two and a half days work on the watch houses. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Capt. Moses Brown two pounds two shillings and nine pence for 85 ½ pounds of cheese had for the people that went on the Alarm at Concord fight. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Edward Ford sixteen shillings 7/6 of said sum for two ½ days work on the watch houses and eight shillings and six pence for making of a coffin for the body of Thomas Cleaves. Ordered the Treasurer to pay William Butman three pounds to shillings and eight pence in full for keeping of John Martin his second-quarter as per agreement. Ordered the Treasurer to pay Thomas Hovey thirty-six shillings in full for keeping of George Leech his first half year as per agreement. At the above said meeting Mr. Samuel Dane was nominated and appointed to be a Measurer and Sealer of Wood in this town till one other be appointed and sworn in his stead who was appointed in addition to the number that was heretofor appointed and is to have four pence per cord for measuring and sealing and no more.