1995-12-12Cable Television Advisory Commission City of Beverly, M.tssnchusetts Members: Dan Murphy - Chairman AI To~ey- Asst. Chairman Amy Siemaslm Arthur Crandall Susan Alvey Robert Lee ?a~mas O'Connor Elizabeth MeGlynn Cable Television Advisory CommissiOn City of Reverly. Massne-husetts Meeting of December 12, 1995 - Continenud Cablevision, 12 Tozer Road Present - Murphy, Torsey, Crandail, McGlynn; Lee. From Continental - Jennifer Bahinn, Jane Lynmn There being a quorum present, the meeting convened a~ 7:05 p.m. Highlights: · Members toured the Continental Cablevision facilities and noted up- grades and observed a show in progress. · Members discussed the implications of the federal Telecommunicslions Act that is reported to be near passage. It was suggested that the Commission review its provisions and prepare a report for submission to the City Council re the expected impact on Beverly comers. · Members reviewed a report of programming presented by Jennifer Bahinn. Ms. Babine has replaced lill Stark as local program manager. She noted that a new class of citizen trainees wffi soon begin. Respectfully submitted, Daniel C. Murphy Chaiman