MARCH 28, 2000
Members Present: John Bianchi, Richard Cotraro, Timothy Hegarty, Mark Ray, Kevin Weafer.
Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Co-chair Bianchi to accept the
minutes. Second by Co-chair Ray. Unanimous vote in favor.
Mrs. Virginia McGlynn, Councilor of Ward Four also in attendance.
R. Cotraro opened the meeting by stating that Public Safety Commissioner Pelonzi had agreed to
conduct test runs from the proposed Elliott Street site to various areas in the City. Cotraro stated
that these runs were crucial to the Centerville and Cove sections of the city, as well as to Endicott
College, Landmark School and the Cove Elementary School. R. Cotraro stated that there have
been dormitory fires in the past and increased response times to the above colleges/schools would
be a major problem.
R. Cotraro stated that Beverly Fire Personnel have responded to mutual aid to other cities in the
area, and to other stations within the City. This presents a problem when another call comes for
the Farms area and engines and/or ladder trucks have to respond from outside the downtown
area. Only three firefighters are scheduled to work at the Farms station daily.
R. Cotraro felt that the City has dropped personnel and will increase response times with the
location of the new facilities (Elliott St. and Brimhal Ave.) Cotraro feels that Chief Pelonzi is
"sugar coating" his statement of enhanced" response times. Chief Pelonzi was not in attendance
to respond.
R. Cotraro expressed concern about the pending bay for the ambulance that is proposed for the
new facility. He feels that there are union issues from the Firefighter' s Union concerning the eight
men slated to work as paramedics on the ambulance. He does not know why the ambulance
personnel have to be segregated from the remainder of the fire department.
Co-chair Bianchi expressed concerns about the lack of security measures mentioned in the drafts
presented by the architect. There is a concern about the public areas of the proposed facility and
the security measures that are needed, that do not appear to be in the drafts.
Co-chair Ray expressed concern about the communications l~ing on the third floor of the facility
and the Officer-in-Charge being on the first floor. Co-Chair Ray stated that the OIC's would be
unable to monitor any emergency calls. T. Hegarty stated that the minor calls could be a problem
also, as well as the answering of telephone calls. Co-Chair Ray has contacted several departments
regarding this issue. He stated that several departments with combined dispatch have the OIC
directly adjacent to the communications.
Co-Chair stated also that the International Association of Chiefs of police (IACP) and the Police
Executive Research Forum erg;lerlkregkpv (PERF) have architects on staff that are available to
answer any questions that this advisory committee may have.
Co-Chair Bianchi also expressed concerns to Councilor McGlynn. He stated that there are
questions about the security of the building, the security of personal vehicles that may be parked
at the facility, the size of the proposed lot, the location of the communications center and the
privacy of the witnesses/victims entering the station. He further stated that the Salem Police
Department has approximately 1.7 acres on their site that is strictly a police facility.
T. Hegarty asked Councilor McGlynn what the City Council was expecting from this advisory
committee. Mrs. McGlyrm felt that the committee shoulid submit the information that they have
gathered rather than making recommendations. She felt that the committee should list the "pro' s
and con's" that it has discovered.
T. Hegarty asked Mrs. McGlynn if she knew of a "deadline" for the final draft to be submitted to
the City Council. She stated that she did not know of any deadline, but will attempt to find out for
Mrs McGlynn asked if the personnel that were consulted before the first draft was made were re-
interviewed prior to the second draft being finished. Co-Chair Bianchi stated that this did not
happen as he was one of the parties interviewed before the first draft.
Co-Chair Bianchi suggested that this advisory committee should meet with the Building
Commission of the City. Co-Chair Ray stated that he would contact Ray Bouchard of the
Building Commission to set up such a meeting.
Mrs. McGlynn asked how she could help this committee. Co-Chair Bianchi stated that the
committee needs to know about any deadlines that were given to the architect.
Motion to adjourn was made by T. Hegarty. Second by Co-Chair Ray. Unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.