1992-06-22RECORDS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN SPEICAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN, JUNE 22, 1992 ROLL CALL: All Aldermen were present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: Led by Alderman Fallon. CONFIRMATIONS: The following appointments were confirmed: #297 Appointment of Special Police Officers-Beverly Public Schools COMMUNICATIONS FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR: June 18, 1992-Call for Special Meeting on June 22, 1992 at 8:30 PM in the Aldermanic chambers. June 22, 1992 Honorable Board of Aldermen City Hall Beverly, Mass. 01915 Dear Honorable Board: I Hereby request a transfer of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) to account "Salaries" from account "Reserve Fund." Said sum of money to be expended under the direction of the Building Commissioner. Attached is a communication from Robert Scanzani concerning this request. Very truly yours, F. John Monahan Mayor Referred to Finance and Property. June 22, 1992 Honorable Board of Aldermen City Hall Beverly, Mass. 01915 Dear Honorable Board: I hereby request that the request for Six Hundred Dollars ($600) to account "Building Inspector-Salaries" take its first reading at this meeting this evening. Very truly yours, F. John Monahan Mayor Referred to Finance and Property June 22, 1992 Honorable Board of Aldermen City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Board: I hereby recommend that the City of Beverly and your Honorable Board adopt provisions of M.G.L. which allows the deferral of one month of teachers' salaries from fiscal year 1993-1994. This will allow the School Department to maintain adequate funding for the next fiscal year. Very truly yours, F. John Monahan Mayor Honorable Board of Aldermen City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Board: I hereby appoint, subject to your confirmation, Mr. Donald Ames, 5 Fayette St., Beverly, MA 01915, to serve as a member of the Cable TV Advisory Commission: He will fill the vacant position and his term will be effective until January 31, 1993. Very turly yours, F. John Monahan Mayor Laid over for Confirmation. COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTHER CITY OFFICERS AND BOARDS: June 19, 1992 Board of Aldermen City of Beverly Beverly, Mass. 01915 Dear Honorable Board: I am writing this letter to inform you that I am taking the option of the early retirement incentive for state employees, as was recently passed by the Legislation and signed by the Governor. This early retirement must be effective as of July 1, 1992. Due to this retirment, it is mandatory that I resign my position with the City of Beverly, as an Assessor, on June 30, 1992. I have also informed the Municipal Retirement Board of my decision. Most important is that I would like to be appointed to fill the unexpired term I would hope this could be accomplished by July 6, 1992 so that I could continue to assist the Board in the Fiscal 1993 revaluation. I hope this meets with your approval as I would very much like to continue working with the Board. Respectfully, John D. Heaphy Received and Placed on File. June 18, 1992 Honorable Board of Aldermen City Hall Beverly, Mass. 01915 Dear Members of the Board: At a Special Meeting of the Planning board held on Monday, June 15, 1992, members voted unanimously to recommend to your Board that the following proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance BE ADOPTED: a) Section 29-2.39.b&c. be rewritten to read as follows: "b. a five foot wide and five foot high evergreen landscaping strip; c. a landscaped earthern berm at leat five (5) feet in height." b) Section 29-2.47.b delete the sentence "Required rear yard setback designations shall not apply to triangular shaped lots." c) That the words "enclosed bulkheads" be added to Section 29-5.F.4.b d) Sections 29-13.H.3, 29-14.H.3, 29-17.H,s., and 29-22.H.3 be amended by replacing "...25 feet..." with "...24 feet..." e) that the second, third, and fourth sentences of Section 29-23.A.3 be replaced with the following: "Site Plan Review by the Planning Board is also required for PRD's - see Section 29-28.C. of this Ordinance for procedures and filing requirements." RECORDS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN (f) replace the first sentence of Section 29-24.A. with the following: "For any use newly-established; or any change from one use to another; or for any use increased in intensity or physically enlarged by more than twenty-five percent (25%) under this Ordinance, off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule in this Section." (g) Rewrite Section 29-27.C.3 to read as follows: "Site Plan Review by the Planning Board will be required for any project for which a Special Permit is necessary. See Section 29-2828.C. for procedures and filing requirements." (h) Add the following to Table I of Subsection 1 of Section 29-28.C. "WD 1,000 sq. ft. HD 5,000 sq. ft." (I) Add the following to Table II of Subsection 1o of Section 29-28.C "WH-zoned building over 5,000 sq. ft. 20% HD-zoned building over 5,000 sq. ft. 20%" (j) replace in Section 29-28.C., Table 1, Subsection 1., the line "IG 10,000 sq. ft."with IG 5,000 sq. ft." (k )strike subparagraph 3. of Section 29-5.F in its entirety. (l) sections 29-7.D; 29-8.D; 29-9.D; 29-10.D; 29-11.D; 29-12.D; 29-13.D; 29-14.D; 29-17.D; 29-18.D; 29-19.D; 29-20.D; 29-21.D; 29-22.D; 29-23.B3.a; 29-23.D.2; Replace the phrase "...minimum lot width..." with the phrase "...minimum lot frontage..." (M) section 29-2.B.21, strike the words "straight-line" from the first line of the definition. all of the above amendments are as initially proposed. In addition to the above, Planning board members voted unanimously to recommend to your Board that the proposed amendment regaurding pork-chop shaped lots (Section 29-5.I.) NOT BE ADOPTED. a copy of the proposed amendments are attached for reference. Very truly yours, James .A. Manzi, Chairman referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts. June 18, 1992 Board of Aldermen Cityof Beverly Dear Board Members: I hereby recommend the following for a Drain Layers License in the City of Beverly. L. ROSSI EQUIPMENT CORP. ESSEX, MASS very truly yours, George J. Zambouras. P. E. Commissioner of Public Works Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts. COMMUNICATIONS, APPLICATIONS AND PETITIONS: Communication from Beverly Business Association for Special Event Permit. Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts. Request for Exemption from Fees for the Renovation of the Hardie School Olson Lewis Architects & Planners. Referred to Public Service and Aid. RECORDS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Municipal Budget FY-93 ($47,162,504.31) have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption. ORDERED: That the sums of money recommended by His Honor the Mayor in his communication of June 15, 1992, be, and the same are hereby appropriated for the specific purposes in the budget. Order read once and passed to a second reading laid over under charter provisions. The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Mayor's request fox trnasfer to account "Building Inspector-Salaries" ($600.00) have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit; Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption. ORDERED: That the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) be, and the same is hereby transferred from account "Reserve Fund" to account "Building Inspector-Salaries", in accordance with the recommendation of His Honor the Mayor. Said sum of money to be expended under the direction of the Building Connnissioner. Order read once and passed to a second reading laid over under charter provisions. The committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Mayor's request for adoption of Teacher's Salary Deferral provisions have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption. ORDERED: That the Board of Aldermen accept the provisions of M. G. L. which allows the deferral of one month of teachers' salaries from fiscal yaer 1993 to 1994. Order read once and adopted. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The following transfers were passed to a second reading laid over under charter provisions and passed on a roll call vote. #294 Transfer to Account "Beverly Historic District" amended from $6,000.00 to $1,200.00 Roll Call: Yea: Nay: Absent: Battistelli, Coughlin, Doherty, Fallon, Hannibal, Reinecke, Rollins, Troubetaris Burgess None None Meeting recessed until Attest: Constance E. Perron Monday June 29, 1992 at 7:30 PM City Clerk