1999-09-09PRESENT: ABSENT: PUBLIC: BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 Commissioners Bamieo, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeau, Mahoney, Vitale, and White Commissioners Dean, Lydon, and Rosen Tina Cassidy, Ken Lewis, Gerry Nelson, Victor Capozzi, Ken Robinson, Mel Briggle, Richard Mello, Dave Graham, and Spencer Kegan CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. TERPS Presentation- Dave Graham ofEdwards & Kelcey gave a presentation on a recent FAA change to Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) which could take effect approximately March 2000. The change would affect the future of straight-in night non-precision approach procedures. The change would require the existing close-in end of the approach trapezoid (the end starting 200' from the end of the instrument runway) to be 800' wide (400' each side of extended centerline). Currently it is 500' (250' each side of extended centerline). The new trapezoid dimemion would encompass trees that would then become penetrations. E&K will meet with FAA on 9/28/99 to highlight the discoveries and talk about the impact. Reading of the Minutes for August 9, 1999 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes. Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion to accept the minutes. Commissioner Mahoney seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Reading of the Financial Report for July 1999 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White gave the report and also reported that, unknown to him, downtown, in order to even out the budget (because we cannot have a negative budget), took some of our prior year surplus and set up an account called "transfer from fund" that brought the negative budget to zero balance. Chairman Farmer requested the airport manager talk with Commissioner White and then contact city accounting on better communication. There were several questions that Commissioner White answered. Vice ChaLrman Eaton made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: (covered in Airport Mamtger's Report) BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 NEW BUSINESS: Omni Tenants-at-Will: Chairman Farmer distributed copies of correspondence he received from Jim Rutherford. Chairman Farmer talked on a city solicitor suggestion to have both Jan Rutherford and Mel Briggle as "separate tenant- at-will tenants". Chairman Farmer thought that might lead to litigation. Chairman Farmer commented on the state of disrepair at Omni. Chain'nan Farmer suggested going for RFP now versus waiting until the Delta taxiway extension is built and to also include a public access across Omni ramp area. Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion that we go out for RFP, seconded by Commissioner White. Motion passed unanimously. There was discussion on what existing paperwork $ Omni a tenant-at- will. Chalnnan Farmer read to the mereben a May 26, 1999 letter from the City Solicitor to Jim Rutherford informing Mr. Rutherford that 0toni was a tenant-at-will. There was more discussion on an Omni RFP advertisement in publications. Vice Chain,an Eaton made a motion to go out for RFP ASAP with a date that proposals be opened 30 days beyond the last publication. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. Yanai Sightseeing Agreement and North Atlantic Air Lease Amendment - Chairman Farmer called on Commi~ioner Mahoney to explain the two proposed leases. The goal is to have Commission agreement on the lease content, to have them ready as we await Marshall Handly and GTE decision on what is needed in order for GTE to be released from the current agreement. Commissioner Barnieo questioned the long lease term Yanai Sightseeing would get. There was further discussion on the revertment and the merits of the proposed agreements. Commissioner Vitale made a motion to approve the NAA lease amendment and Yanai Sightseeing lease as negotiated by the BAC Lease Sub-committee. Motion was seconded by Commissioner White. Motion passed with five (5) Yeas and two (2) Nays. Airport Presentation, B. Eaton - Vice Chairman Eaton and Commissioner Mahoney updated commission members on the latest preparations and also requested short biographies ~om each enrnmissioner. 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: The Airport Manager' s report for the meeting was included in the commission packets. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on events that had taken place since the packet mailings; updates included the August traffic count, transition of consults, meeting with Moshe Yanai, CAP obstacle course request, and the Town of Danvers having to decline our offer of a wetland area to accommodate a large mount of Danvers fill. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Chairman Farmer requested when would the remaining areas (e.g. Casco ) be remediated and when would the restfits be available. · Chairman Farmer requested information on how the school transportation depa:haent planned to make use of the Casco building. · Chairman Farmer requested when we can cut the Gongas tree. · Chairman Farmer requested a fencing estimate to enclose the Gon~as area. · Chairman Farmer reported on a financial meeting held with the Mayor regarding the Gongas acquisition~ · Chairman Farraer requested an estimate be obtained to remove the Gongas tree. · Chairman Farmer requested the Airport Manager contact Donna WiRe of FAA regarding alleged man living at McLellan's/Murrin's house. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Commissioner Bamico. Motion passed unaniraously. 3