1998-08-12HOMECOMING 1999 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 5:30 PM 1998 MEETING #1 OCEANVIEW AT ELLIS SQUARE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE] P.S. - 2ND PAGE ATTACHED PLEASE CHECK OFF THE COMMITTEE YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE INVOLVED WITH, AND FAX BACK TO AL TEMKIN - ASAP THANK YOU Believe it or not~ we will have our first 1999 Homecoming meeting on Tuesday 12/8 at the Oceanview beginning at 5:30PM. We will continue our commi~,~ent in keeping the meeting to one hour. In order to slrean~ine things somewhat we have set up four committees to focus on key areas. The COmmittees arc; Fundraising, Booklet, Day Captains and Entertainment. Each committee will be asked to meet and discuss thoughts, ideas and suggestions to be presented by a committee chahl3erson at our full meetings. Our feeling is that people can have more input in a smaller setting dealing with one issue as compared to a full meeting with several people and msny issues. Cochairperson AI Temldn has called several of you to ask which committee you would prefer to serve on. Those who have not heard from A1 should write your name next to the committees of your choice at the bottom of this note and fax to AI at (781 ) 233-1115. Please list 2 choices in case one has been filled. Hopefully, the committees will have had a chsnce to meet prior to our 12/8 meeting. If not, msybe the committees c, ar~ meet after the full meeting, AI will be in touch and let you how. Tim and AI look forward to kicking offHomecoming 1999 with you on 12/8, and please fax your choices back to AI-ASAP. If you have questions call AL at (781) 231- 0766. Fundra s g Day Captains Entertsinment