Homecoming Events for 1999PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONS AND OR CORRECTIONS TO YOUR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: FRI'DAY~ 3ULY 30 HOMECOMING AUCTION: SILENT AUCTION - 6:30 - 7:30 PM LIVE AUCTION - 7:30 - 9 PM SUNDAY~ AUGUST 1 KID CARE PHOTO ZD - 1 - 3 PM SPONSORED BY WESX~ BEV. CO-OP. BANK~ BEV. HOSPITAL~ KELLY HONDA FRIDAY~ AUGUST 6 FIRE DEPARTMENT SAFE HOUSE/POLICE MOBILE UNIT & MCGRUFF CRIME DOG & SPARKY FIRE DOG 12- 2 PM - LYNCH PARK ANOTHER ADDZTZON TO OUR HOMECOMZNG SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: MONDAY, AUGUST 2 WEDNESDAY, AUGUR 4 FRZDAY~ AUGUST 6 FREE TENNZS LESSONS 1 - 7 PM, (ROBERT P. GAGNON) AT THE COVE COURTS, NEAR THE CHURCH - ZN-THE- COVE. ONE LESSON EVERY HOUR TZLL 7 PM. BEVERLY HOMECOMING SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - 1999 FOR RA.TN DATES: TUNE TO WESX 1230 AM FOR UPDATES & VENUE CHANGES, ADDED EVENTS, ETC.- OR ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB AT WW'W.WCSX.COrll · FR/DAY, .1ULY 30 STU EGENBERG, CAPTAIN "KAYAK & OUTR/GGER, ADVENTURES" LYNCH PARK, 9AM- 6PM HOMECOMING AUC i.I. ON: THIRD ANNUAL HOMECOMING AUCTION SPONSORED BY WASHINGTON'S NAVAL BASE - AT THE BEVERLY SENIOR CTR. BEVERLY CITY CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS TOURNEY - BASS RIVER TENNIS CLUB (INDOOR) 6 PM - 10 PM OUTDOOR TEEN DANCE - MC PHERSON YOUTH C IK.., 7 PM - 10 PM · SATURDAY, 3ULY 31 PAM MCGRATH MASON'S PANCAKE BREAKFAST - MASONIC BLDG., 8 AM - 11 AM BEVERLY CITY CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS TOURNEY - BEVERLY GOLF & TENNIS CLUB (OUTDOOR) 8 AM - 5 PM YMCA 3-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT - CUMMINGS Ci K. PARIGNG LOT, 8AM-3 PM "KAYAK & OUTRIGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9 AM - 6 PM BEVERLY I,ZONS CLUB AGE-GRADED TRACK MEET - BEVERLY HIGH SCHOOL OUTDOOR TRACK - 10 AM - 3 PM BEVERLY HISTORTCAL SOCIETY "APPRAISAL DAY" - HALE FARM, 10 AM - 4 PM BEVERLY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLTSTZC HEALTH FAIR - LYNCH PARK CONCERT SHELL - 12 - 4 PM IsT ANNUAL HOMECOMING CI'I'Y WIDE VOLLEY BALL TOURNAMENT - LYNCH PARK - 10 AM - 4 PM ARTS IN THE PARK - ROSE GARDEN, LYNCH PARK - I PM - 3 PM SUNDAY, AUGUST IsT MARY SMALLEY BEVERLY CITY CHAMPZONSHTP TENNTS TOURNEY - BEVERLY GOLF & TENNTS CLUB (OUTDOOR) - 8 AM - 1 PM ``KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK -9 AM - 6 PM ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHzBI'r AND SALE - LYNCH PARK - 10 AM - 5 PM TNTERFAI'rH HOMECOMING COMMUNITY WORSHIP SERVZCE - LYNCH PARK - 10 AM - 11:30 AM Is*r ANNUAL VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT - MEMOR.T. AL MTDDLE SCHOOL FIELD - 10 AM - 4 PM KiD CARE PHOTO TD - LYNCH PARK - 1PM - 5 PM T'~NY TOT'S DAY - LYNCH PARK - 1PM - 5 PM (LES .JULIAN W*LLL PERFORM A FAMILY CONCERT 1:30 PM - 2:20 "OLD COLD TATER" - LYNCH PARK - 6 PM - 8 PM LOBSTER BOAT RACES MONDAY, AUGUST 2ND PHYLLIS LEBLANC "KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9 AM - 6 PM TOUR OF THE HiSTORiC LARCOM THEATRE - 13 WALLIS ST. - 1 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM THE 1999 BEVERLY BZCYCLE SAFe: I f RODEO - LYNCH PARK - PARI~NG LOT - 4 PM - 7 PM H:ZSTORiC WALK - VARiOUS LOCATZONS - 6:30 PM - 8 PM BAKED BEANS CONTEST - BEVERLY ELKS - 6 PM - 7:30 PM AV'LA, T'LON DAY AT BEVERLY AZRPORT - BEVERLY AIRPORT - 10 AM - 7 PM · TUESDAY, AUGUR 3Im DEBBZE KALAMPAI. ZKZS "KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9 At4 - 6 Pt4 TOUR OF THE H1*STORZC LARCOt4 THEATRE - 13 WALLI'S ST., I Pt4, 2 PM~ 3 LZP SYNC EXTRAVAGANZA - LYNCH PARK - 5:30 Pt4 - 8:30 PM H][STORZC WALK - VARZOUS LOCATZONS - 6:30 Pt4 - 8 Pt4 · WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4TM PHZL BRODERZCK "KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9 AM - 6 Pt4 ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHZBI'T AND SALE - LYNCH PARK - 10 At4 - 7 PM (CHZLDREN'S Al~ I ~v~ I ~ES - 10AM - 4PM) FARMERS MARKET - BEVERLY BOOTSTRAPS FOOD PANTRY - AT LYNCH PARK - 11 AM - 7 PM HOSPITAL POZNT I./GHTHOUSE TOURS - 1 BAYV'LEW AVE. - 11AFI - 7 Pt4 LOBSTER FEb lA~/AL- LYNCH PARK- 12 NOON - 7 PM CHZLD ZDENTZFXCAI'J[ON PROGRAM (CHxP) - LYNCH PARK - 2 PM - 8 Pt4 BEST OF LZP SYNC - LYNCH PARK - 5 PM - 6 PM 3UST ZN TZM E DZXZELAND - LYNCH PARK - 12:30 Pt4 - 2:30 P!,I CZVZL DZSTURBANCE 3A77 BAND - LYNCH PARK - 6 Pt4 - 8 Pt4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 5TM FARR~rS A3AI aT 21rr ANNUAL HOFIECOFIZNG GOLF TOURNAMENT - BEVERLY GOLF & TENNZS CLUB - 8 AM - 1:30 PM "KAYAK & OUTR~GGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9 At4 - 6 PM ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHZBZ'I' AND SALE - LYNCH PARK - 10 At4 - 4 Pt4 THE HONECOMZNG 5K ROAD RACE - REGI'STRATZON - 5 Pt4, AND RACE STARTS - 6:30 PM CRUZSE NTGHT '99 - CUMMZNGS CTR. - 6PM - 9 PM · , FRZDAY, AUGUST 6TM JOAN FAZRBANK EASTERN MASS. JUNZOR TENNTS CHAMPTONSHzPS - BOY'S & GTRL'S 10 & UNDER SzNGLES - ENDTCOTI' COLLEGE - 9AM - 5 PM "KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" -~ LYNCH PARK - 9AM - 6 PM PLAYGROUND CARNZVAL - LYNCH PARK - 10 AM - 2 PM FIRE DEPARTMENT SAFE HOUSE/POLTCE MOBTLE UNZT & MCGRUFF CRZME DOG & SPARKY FIRE DOG ANNUAL BEVERLY FIRE & POLTCE DEPT./SALEM SOFTBALL GAME - AT :[NNOCENTZ PARK - 7 PM ].ST ANNUAL CARDBOARD BOAT RACES - AT LYNCH PARK - 7 PM TOUR OF THE HTSTOR[C LARCOM THEATRE - 13 WALI TS ST., ].PM, 2PM & 3 PM "ROMEO & 3UITET'' PERFORMANCE, AN ADAPTATLON, - NEW VOTCES THEATRE ENSEMBLE - THE WARZNG SCHOOL THEATRE, 35 STANDLEY ST., 7 Pt.1 · SATURDAY, AUGUST 7TM NATAI.ZE FIORE BEVERLY ELKS- 3le ANNUAL HOM ECOMZNG BLOOD DRZVE - 39 BOW ST., 8AM - 2 Pt.1 FLEA MARKET - CHURCH ZN THE COVE - 9AM - 2 Pt4 CUMMZNGS CENTER OPEN HOUSE - ].00 CUMMTNGS CTR. - 9AM - 2 PM EASTERN FlA. 3UNTOR TENNZS CHAM PZONSHZPS - ENDZCO'IT COLLEGE - 9AM - 5 Pt.1 '"KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9At4 - 6 PM BALCH ].7TM ENCAMPMENT - BALCH HOUSE - ].0AM - 4 PM OCEANV~EW AT ELLZS SQUARE OPEN HOUSE - 3 ESSEX ST. - ~.PM - 4 PM SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK I.~VE - LYNCH PARK - 1PM - 2PM & 3PM - 4PM (GAMES - ;I.2:30PM - 2:30 BLOCK PARTY - ELLZS SQUARE - 5PM - 9PM "ROMEO & 3ULZET" PERFORMANCE~ AN ADAPTAT/ON, - NEW VOI'CES THEATRE ENSEMBLE - THE WAR~NG SCHOOL THEATRE - 7PM SUNDAY~ AUGUST 8TM DENA L~SLE EASTERN HA. STATE LEVEL TENNTS TOURNAMENT - BOYS & GZRLS 14 & URDER- ENDZCOTT COLLEGE - 9AM - 5 PM '"KAYAK & OUTRZGGER ADVENTURES" - LYNCH PARK - 9AM - 6PM BEVERLY ELKS 6TM ANNUAL ~SOCCER SHOOTOUT" - LYNCH PARK - lOAM - 1PM ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHZBZI' AND SALE - LYNCH PARK - 10AM - 7PM BEVERLY C~'I'ZZEN'S DAY - LYNCH PARK - ~.0AM - ~.0 PM CLOWN DAY - LYNCH PARK - '10 AM - 2 PM (CLOWN SHOW - ~tPM) BEVERLY BUSZNESS- BY- THE- SEA - LYNCH PARK - 10 AM - 3PM BEVERLY ELKS DRUG AWARENESS PROGRAM - LYNCH PARK - ~.3. AM - 2 PM HOSPX'rAL POXNT L~GHTHOUSE TOURS - 3. BAYVZEW AVE. - 3.3.AM - 4PM FRONT PAGE NEWS - LYNCH PARK - 3.2PM - 2PM THE BARNSTORMERS - LYNCH PARK - 3.PM - 3PM ODD DUCKS - LYNCH PARK - SPONSORED BY TOWN ON I-~NE.COM - 4PM - 6PM THE NEW HOR~.ZON - LYNCH PARK - SPONSORED BY WARREN BANK - 7PM - 9PM I~REWORKS - LYNCH PARK - 9:~.5 PM Pe~ ~ IL-verly Homecoming Week of July 24. 1996 Celebrating 30 years of conununityI BEVERLY August 6 - 13, 1978 In the early days of Homecoming, the schedule of events fit in a one-page brochure, like the one shown here. The celebration, which began 30 years ago, has grown over the years. In 1978 there were 26 events. This year there are more than 50. Ahomegrown celebration Homecoming was the brainchild of a group of friends and businesspeople 30 years ago JULIA KENNA CITIZEN STAFF l'magine Lynch Park without the concert Shell, the Lob- ster Festival without the crowds, and Beauty Pageants . held at each playground. Edward J. Bushey Jr., Beverly's first Homecoming Com- mittee Chairman, describes what the celebration was like back in 1966, the' year Beverly Homecoming was born. "The comraittee had no money, so we basically had to raise it through the sYnall Lobster Festival," said Bushey. "The members themselves would cook up and serve the lobsters for a set charge, and the high school football team was responsible for the trash." Bushey, who was Vice President of the Beverly Na- tional Bank at the time, and other members of the for- mer Beverly Chamber of Commerce, were inspired by Newburyport's then Yankee Homecoming Day. They decided to form a committee out of the Chamber and create Beverly's very own Homecoming celebration. Theirs would be a week long, and would be designed to entertain the men on leave from Vietnam. Nick Tilas was in on the creation of the celebration. A whole group of people had worked on a celebra- tion committee the year before, commemorating one of Beverly's milestones, he said. "I was the first lobster festival committee chairman," Tilas said. "We invited all the veterans home from Viet- narn, and the ambassador, Henry Cabot Lodge. We invited them down for a free lobster feed." "It was a fun time back in those days, you know. We had no budgets. It was sell a ticket here and sell a ticket there, and hopefully pay for ex- penses," said Tilas. "Many times we'd order the fireworks and then wonder where the hell we were going to get the money to pay for them." Tilas, who served as an alderman-a-large in the early '70s, established Tasty Sub Shop, the store his son now operates. The original plan included the Lion's Club Pancake Breakfast, the Lobster Festival and Clambake featuring the U.S. Navy Band, and the end of the week fireworks. A week long Yankee Homecoming sale was held at retail stores, and all Beverly Police Officers sported colorful Homecoming shoulder patches with a sketch of the Hannah ship on their uniforms. The six mile Road Race was introduced, and a CELEBRATION, page 8 ,P8~8 B~dyHomeu~min~ WekofJuly24, 1996 Celebration day at the everly Airpo,t. Oscar Olsen, the ExecutiVe DireCtor of the then Beverly Chamber of Commerce during the first HomecOming, felt ContinuOd fr6m page 4 , that the 6vent brought the community together. "It was a project basically to create some interest among football clinic was open to aspiring athletes. There also was the people in Beverly," said Olden. "It was an event in' shm- an a~rd presented to the person who traveled the lopgest mer that would also attract visitors and tourists, making ~t distance to enjoy the Homecoming ceremonies. ;~,, ' multi-purpose." . When H~h~ Cabot Lodge, ambassador to Vietna~: ap- Olsen tells a story of how one man and his pregnant wife peared as the main speaker for the cele- bration, every major TV station in Boston covered it, and Beverly Homecoming got much needed rec6gnition. The Hale and Balch houses opened to the public, with tea being served in the garden of the Hale house. The lighthouse also opened its doors to spectators who wanted the spectacular view it offered. "All that created a lot of good will in the community," said Bushey. "It would be great if it could be like that 52 weeks out of the year!" This year marks the 30th anniversary of Beverly's Annual Homecoming, and although we aren't welcoming home troops from the war, we are celebrating our community's rich history. The early Beverly Yankee Homecom- ings got much support and recognition When Hen. ry Cabot LOdge, ambassador to Vietnam, appeared as the main speaker for the celebration, every major TV station in Boston covered it, and · Beverly Homecoming got much needed recognition. came to the Lobster Festival to get her a lob- ster. They enjoyed the event and the commu- nity so much they relocated to a house across the street from Lynch Park, where many of the early Homecoming activities were held. Lynch Park's importance to Homecoming spurred interest in improving add renovating the historical park, and the band shell was built to stage concerts and other events. The · Beverly Improvement Society took on the Rose Garden, planting new flowers and repaving the walkways. After Olsen retired in 1980, the Chamber of Commerce expanded to include the entire North Shore, and "kind-of lost interest" in fun~ling Beverly's Homecoming, according to him, Despite the lack of money, the com- mittee kept c6ming up with new and exciting ideas. from th~ Chamber of Commerce and the "We held a boat parade, and there were city of Beverly. Besides the pancake breakfast and the high- some Navy vessels visiting," said Olsen. "There was even a light ofthe week, the Lobster Festival/Clambake, the week submarine in the harbor atone point thatpeople couldgo in- featured Miss Junior and Senior Playground Beauty Pageants, free bus tours of Beverly, and an Air Sho~ the last CELEB~TION, page 42 Leslie S. Ray Insurance Agency, Inc. 129 Dodge Street (North) Beverly, MA 01915 508-927-2600 Downtown Bevedy office Lee, Fraser & Patch Insurance Agency Ellis Square 231 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 508-922-2330 Auto and homeowner discount programs Business property and casualty insurance Serving the Beverly community since 1954 We Take Care By Giving Care Welcome Home ',~, the residents of Blueberry Hill, pride ourselves on being active participants in the Beverly community through our many volunteer and outreach programs. Come Join Us Become a "SPECIAL FRIEND"or adopt a "GRtlNDPARENT"... share your books, games, hand~oork, hobbies, music, enjoyments, intellect, art ... your conversation, laughter and love in an attractive environment where wonderful innovations in residents care are happening every da~ Call the Volunteer Coordinator, 508-927-2020. BLUEBERRY HILL HEALTHCARE 75 Brimhi A veaue, Bevedy, Massachusetts 01915,508-927-2020 .,..