2000-09-20Beverly Charter Commission Minutes of Meeting, September 20, 2000 A meeting of the Beverly Charter Commission was held in City Hall at 7:31 PM on September 20, 2000. It was noted that the official clock in the chamber is five minutes slow. All members were present. Two citizens spoke during the first public comment period. The Commission was informed that, based on information obtained from the Secretary of State’s office, there is no need to transcribe the tape recordings as long as there are written minutes. The minutes of March 22, 2000 were revised by removing paragraphs four and five as unnecessary. The minutes were approved 6-3. The minutes of June 25, 2000 were corrected to reflect that Mr. Flaherty is the president of the city council, and the spelling of council was corrected. The minutes of June 25, 2000 were approved by 8 members, with one abstention. Chair Quigley informed the Commission he had received word indirectly that Mr. Michael Curran, an attorney who had been engaged by the Commission to provide his opinion at this meeting, would not be attending. Mr. John Quinn had received a fax the previous evening from Mr. Curran with his opinion on the issue of re-opening West Beach, which was distributed and discussed. The process for proceeding will be to complete a preliminary report consisting of the text of the proposed revision to the charter, an explanation including the differences between the old and new language, and possibly a 1,000 word maximum minority statement. A public hearing will be held within four weeks from the publication of the preliminary report in a local newspaper. There was discussion about alternative methods for preparing the report, and it was determined that a document would be prepared by Mr. Quinn for the next meeting, which was scheduled for January 17, 2001, on a motion approved 5-4. Four citizens spoke during the concluding public comment period. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.