2000-03-22Beverly Charter Commission Minutes of Meeting, March 22, 2000 A meeting of the Beverly Charter Commission was held in City Hall at 7:35 PM on March 22, 2000. Present were: N. Paul Galluzzi, Crystal Atherton, Mary Grant, Jack Quigley, Mickey Ratte, Carol Girard, Mary Rodrick, and Maria O’Brien. Peter Gilmore was absent. After initial discussion about the space, the meeting was moved into the Aldermanic Chamber to accommodate the large number of attendees. Minutes of the previous November 30, 1999, and January 26, 2000 meetings were approved. A motion was made and passed to pay a bill for printing. Mr. Robert Richie of the Attorney General’s Office was an invited guest. Mr. Richie is Director of the Municipal Law Unit of the AG’s office. He also served for many years as municipal counsel for the town of Amherst. Mr. John Quinn, counsel for the Commission, made a presentation of materials that had been distributed to Commission members, followed by a response by Mr. Thomas Fallon, counsel for West Beach Corporation. A motion was made to instruct Mr. Quinn to begin to prepare Charter revision language for review by the Commission at the next meeting, which was scheduled for June 14, 2000. The motion was passed with six in favor and one abstention. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35.