1999-11-30 Beverly Charter Commission Minutes of Meeting, November 30, 1999 The first meeting of the Beverly Charter Commission was held in the Aldermanic Chamber of City Hall at 7:30 PM on November 30, 1999. Present were elected commissioners: N. Paul Galuzzi, Crystal Atherton, Mary Grant, Peter Gilmore, Jack Quigley, Mickey Ratte, Carol Girard, Mary Roderick, and Maria O'Brien. The meeting was called to order by city clerk, Frances McDonald. She administered the oath of office to all members. The Commission voted for Jack Quigley as chair by a 6-3 vote, Mickey Ratte as Vice-Chair by 6-3, and Maria O'Brien as Secretary/Clerk City Clerk McDonald then distributed materials on the Home Rule and Open Meetings laws and turned the meeting over to Chair Quigley. Chair Quigley asked each member to introduce themselves and indicate what their goals were. He then suggested that the Commission operate under informal Roberts rules of order. Mickey Ratte made a motion to limit the discussion, deliberations and work of this Commission to issues and procedures related to re-opening West Beach to public access. The Commission passed the motion 5-4. Maria O'Brien made a motion that the Commission engage unpaid legal counsel to assist in its work. Commissioner Gilmore proposed an amendment that the counsel be qualified. The amendment passed 7-2. The amended motion passed 6-3. Maria O'Brien made a motion that the Commission accept John Quinn as unpaid legal counsel. The Commission voted 6-3 to approve the motion. Commissioner Grant made a motion that the Commission hire Mr. Mike Curran, who worked with the prior Charter Commission, to render an opinion to the Commission on whether or not the special act that established the West Beach Corporation is part of the Charter and therefore can be revised by the Charter revision process. Commissioner Galuzzi offered an amendment that Mr. Curran be asked to work pro bono. The amendment passed 5-4, but the amended motion was defeated 3-4, with 2 abstentions. Peter Gilmore made a motion to obtain a legal opinion from the State Ethics Commission regarding the appropriateness of engaging Mr. Quinn as unpaid legal counsel because of his views and association with the issue of re-opening West Beach to public access. On a roll call vote, the motion was passed 5-3. Voting in favor were Commissioners Atherton, Grant, Gilmore, Roderick, and O'Brien. Voling against were Chair Quigley and Commissioners Galuzzi and Girard, Commissioner Ratte abstained. Chair Quigley suggested establishing subcommittees for the purpose of researching the issue of public access to West Beach. This was discussed but not acted upon. Commissioner Girard made a motion to allow the officers to spend up to $250 on Commission business without prior approval, with all other expenditures requiring approval of the Commission, and all expenditures would be reported at a subsequent meeting. After discussion the motion was withdrawn. Commissioner Ratte made a motion to hold a public hearing, as required by law, on December 15, 1999, at 7:30 PM. The motion passed 8-1. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.