2023-12-5 Parking and Traffic Commission minutes CITY OF BEVERLY
BOARD: Parking and Traffic Commission
LOCATION: City Hall, 3rd floor Council Chambers
DATE: December 5, 2023
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Richard Benevento, Vice Chair Darlene Wynne,
Jonathan Salt, Dayna Morton, Sergeant Dana
Nicholson, City Commissioner Michael Collins
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Captain Jake Kreyling
OTHERS PRESENT: Ward 2 Councilor-elect Danielle Spang
RECORDER: Naomi Moca
Welcome and Call to Order
Benevento chairs and opens the meeting at 8:37 a.m.
Welcome and Call to Order
1. Request for Review: Temporary Traffic Control Plan Amendment—Site Plan review
#156-22—SW Rantoul Gateway("Amara")—6 Rantoul Street—Southwest Rantoul
Gateway LLC c/o Procopio Companies
Tyler Palermo and Cassandra Dos-Santos of Procopio Companies and Rebecca Brown of
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. are present. Palermo states that the amendment they are requesting to
the TTCP is to use half of Goat Hill Lane to set up materials from January 2024 through June
2024 for this phase of construction. Brown states that the traffic study demonstrated that the left
turn lane would have to be closed to only allow one-way traffic from Goat Hill Lane.
Materials added to the record:
• Letter from GPI, Inc., Phase 3 Temporary Traffic Control Plan—Narrative and
supporting materials, for Southwest Rantoul Gateway, dated December 1, 2023.
Brown states that the truck deliveries will require shutting down a section of Goat Hill Lane,
which will be accomplished with the placement of barrels and directional and detour signs. The
barrels were chosen for ease of placement and removal for temporary traffic changes. The signal
at Cabot Street northbound will be temporarily bagged and the left turn-only lane closed.
Palermo adds that the steel and wood will be on site all day long since the truck stays in place
while the crane moves the materials.
Benevento comments that the intersection closing and opening seems disruptive. Palermo
explains that Goat Hill Lane will be closed during working hours and re-opened after working
hours. Collins points out that information needs to be communicated to drivers further upstream
from the intersection to avoid a log jam when the lane is closed. Drivers being able to anticipate
the change will prevent vehicles from having to re-merge into the lane. Sergeant Nicholson states
that the entire area should be closed off with cones.
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December 5,2023 Meeting Minutes
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Collins asks whether the crane can be placed within the boundary of the site, on the sidewalk, or
in the driveway to pull the loads so the street can be open during that time. Palermo states that
the crane turn radius does not allow for that. Collins proposes that the crane be placed further
into the site.
Dos-Santos states that the applicant spoke with the Beverly House of Pizza owner, who was
receptive to taking half or up to the full street and perhaps a parking space. There will be steel
demobilizing at that site as well. Collins points out that there will likely be a port-a-potty and/or
trailer in the way, and Palermo asserts that he guarantees that will not happen. Palermo states that
the data from the crane company calculated that it has to be placed there in order to reach certain
areas on the site. Collins and Benevento propose that the crane be placed further in on the site.
Palermo states that while the neighbors that the applicant has communicated with are not excited
about the project,they are understanding.
Palermo states that a total of six trucks are needed for steel delivery. A total of 12 to 14 trucks
will deliver the wood trusses from April 2024 to June 2024 at a rate of around one to two trucks
per week. The entire road will be closed only for deliveries. The base of the crane will be
straddling the road and site.Nicholson observes that the road will be open more often than it will
be closed.
Salt asks for clarification on how many deliveries there will be over the six-month period.
Palermo states that there will be six deliveries of steel trusses in February 2024. Wood from
April 2024 through June 2024. Palermo states that the crane will be on site from February 2024
through June 2024. Brown points out the option to go up Summit Avenue to School Street to turn
left. Salt states that many clear directional signs, well in advance, will be needed. Nicholson
states that parking in bicycle lanes is ticketed and that the Police Department has a zero-tolerance
policy for parking in bicycle lanes.
Brown states that there will be some impact on the bait shop in June during deliveries only.
Benevento states that he is concerned about the inconsistent flow of the intersection from day to
day. Palermo states that deliveries will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dos-Santos states that the applicant is proposing that half of Goat Hill Lane remain closed for the
duration of the steel and wood framing. Palermo states closing the full street avoids the risk of
steel or wood crushing a vehicle or pedestrian as the crane swings the materials from the truck to
the site.Nicholson states that for the approximate 25 days of deliveries, he supports full road
closure in the interest of avoiding any unfortunate tragedy. Nicholson points out that there is
always the risk of drivers missing the signs and driving through a construction zone. Nicholson
expresses the Police Department's willingness to work with the bait shop to assist customers and
the business owner with accessing the business during these times.
Wynne states that clear signage with thoughtful language will be helpful. Brown presents the
various planned signs and their proposed placement throughout the intersection. Morton asks if
there is a website or page that communicates with the neighbors. Palermo states that there is a
mailing list and email list,plus the Mayor can be requested to make a targeted reverse 911 call.
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Ward 2 Councilor-elect Danielle Spang of 16 Mulberry Street asks if deliveries come on a
designated day of the week. Palermo states that there is no way to regulate that. Spang points out
that electrical work and gas work is going on in the neighborhood that may cause other detours
that may complicate the intersection. Collins states that it is unknown at this time, in part because
Salem is involved in some decision-making. Collins states that the work on Wellman Street will
be done by January 1, 2024. Collins states that the detail communicates with the Fire Department
every morning so that engines are aware of the flow of the intersection on a day-to-day basis.
Nicholson, Brown, and Palermo discuss the placement of traffic detail officers in the
intersection. The Commission discusses the frequent shortage of officers for the many details
throughout the City lately. The Commission discusses what the plan is if there is a shortage of
officers or if there is an emergency requiring extra Police Department staff. Nicholson states that
the intersection is not complex for a traffic officer and that the number of days is relatively few
so it should not strain the Police Department.
Salt recommends placing a sign at the intersection of River Street and School Street to help
vehicles anticipate the change of direction. Brown states that the location of the sign is
determined by the location of the apparatus to place the sign, not the distance. Nicholson points
out that placing a sign either too far or too close may misdirect drivers. Salt asks what the
process is for determining signage, analyzing risk, and determining traffic flow. Brown states
that it is based on an analysis of the different possible routes,then choosing the optimal of the
different traffic flow models, such as fewest signals bagged, going through DOT for approvals,
fewest vehicle turns during peak times, and other factors.
Collins asks if it is clear that the signal at the parking lot looking inward to the site will be
removed. Palermo states that after approval,the motion detection will be turned off.
Palermo states that while there is a general delivery schedule, changing construction needs are
difficult to predict. Dos-Santos states that the site super will be working with subcontractors and
will turn away trucks if they do not follow the proper protocol. Benevento notes that the
applicant shall provide advance notice to neighbors and install signage in advance to avoid
surprises. Morton notes that Memorial Day week may require extra attention. Palermo states that
their goal is to get wrapped up as fast as possible. Benevento states that the Commission is not
enthusiastic about surprises.
Wynne: Motion to approve the Proposed Traffic Control Modification Option B
—One-Way Westbound on Goat Hill Lane, as described in the
Temporary Traffic Control Plan Amendment for SW Rantoul Gateway
("Amara")by the Procopio Companies as referenced above and as
described in the TTCP subject to the following conditions to which the
contractor has agreed: No storage materials or equipment other than
specified in the TTCP shall be placed on Goat Hill Lane, including port-
a-potties.Traffic cones shall be placed in the left-turn only lane on to
Goat Hill Lane to close the lane and prevent its use. Two police details
MUST be posted on each end of Goat Hill Lane during full closures. The
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applicant shall provide a copy of the TTCP summary to neighbors. The
applicant shall notify neighbors in advance of any full closures or traffic
changes as a result of construction activity. An additional warning sign
shall be placed at the intersection of River Street and Rantoul Street
notifying of the traffic detour. Every effort shall be made to complete
this phase of the project as soon as possible and in advance of the busy
boating/fishing season. There shall be no lane closures before 9 a.m.,
and there shall be no deliveries to the site until lane closures are in place.
Nicholson seconds. Motion carries (6-0).
2. Recommendation to the Planning Board: Special Permit#188-23 & Site Plan review
#163-23-478 Rantoul Street—478 Rantoul Street LLC
Applicant Vincent Orlando, William Lyons of Fort Hill Consultants,Attorney Tom Alexander of
Alexander& Femino, and Daniel Ricciarelli, Seger Architects, are present.
Materials added to the record:
• Construction Management Plan (Phase I-IV),prepared by W.F. Lyons, dated November
30, 2023
Lyons presents the construction management plan from Phase I through Phase IV. Lyons
expresses confidence that the applicant can manage the project entirely on-site and maintain the
construction schedule with no disturbance to Rantoul Street. Benevento asks how many workers
will typically be onsite, where they will park, and whether there is parking onsite for workers.
Lyons states that that is not determined yet, due to not hiring a contractor yet, but that he predicts
that the workers will have to park elsewhere.
Nicholson asks how long the project will need a traffic detail and Lyons states that since no
contractor has been retained yet, it is hard to predict, but perhaps 14 months. Benevento
emphasizes that the Commission is concerned that the freshly repaved Rantoul Street be
reconstructed properly. Morton asks if the applicant has spoken with neighboring businesses and
Alexander states that they have reached DiBacco's but not Jiffy Lube. Orlando states that the
site's closest point to Rantoul Street is 50 feet away so that working from Rantoul Street is an
Benevento notes that utility tie-ins shall be done off-peak times and there shall be no closing nor
impeding of Rantoul Street traffic during peak hours.
Materials added to the record:
• Email to Wynne from Kreyling dated December 5, 2023
Alexander reviews the current status of the project, stating that a special permit has been
requested to allow for the 20-22 feet aisle width,to allow for only noncommercial units in the
rear building, and to allow for one parking space less than the requirement. Alexander states that
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there will be a bicycle rack at the site entrance and a storage area for bicycles on the second
floor. Salt adds that the APBP types of rack with two points of contact are advisable. Two EV
charging stations are provided outside the building in an accessible area approved by Kreyling.
Wynne asks if the driveway expansion eliminated the pedestrian walkway. Orlando says that no,
the walkway is still there.
Wynne: Motion to recommend that the Planning Board approve Special Permit
#188-23 & Site Plan review#163-23, and an additional special permit
(number to be named), for 478 Rantoul Street—478 Rantoul Street LLC
with the following conditions: The applicant shall install a bicycle rack
that meets the approval of the Commission and is compliant with
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP)
recommendations for bicycle storage and accommodations. Two EV
charging stations shall be installed outside the building envelope as
reflected on the plan dated October 16, 2023.Trackpads shall be installed
during the construction period to eliminate any tracking of on-site
material onto Rantoul Street. Any utility connections, or construction
activities of any kind on Rantoul Street, shall not be allowed during the
peak traffic periods of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Construction
personnel shall park personal vehicles onsite or find alternative parking
that does not interfere with any parking on Rantoul Street. Work within
the public way on Rantoul Street, including roadway, curbing,
sidewalks, or other related work will require an additional payment
determined by the Beverly Department of Public Services, as well as
restoring disturbed areas from curb to curb to the existing condition or
better. Morton seconds. Motion carries (5-1). Wynne votes against.
3. Approval of Minutes:
a. November 14,2023
The members review the November 14, 2023 draft meeting minutes.
Collins: Motion to accept the November 14, 2023 meeting minutes as written. Salt
seconds. Motion carries (6-0).
4. New Business:
a. Smart Growth Overlay District(SGOD) Project Review#01-18— 108 Sohier Road—
Anchor Point,LLC - Modification to Condition 1: Kristin Carlson of Harborlight
Homes is present and states that the Anchor Point Phase 11 project is on track to close by
December 31, 2023. Carlson states that the required offsite mitigation work at Herrick
Street and Sohier Road that was a condition of this project, is mostly finished, apart from
the striping work, which is weather-dependent. Thus, the applicant is requesting to
release the building permit and complete the striping project prior to issuance of the
Certificate of Occupancy.
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Wynne: Motion that the Commission's condition for completing the offsite road work
be amended to occur prior to the certificate of occupancy being issued rather
than issuance of the building permit. Collins seconds. Motion carries (6-0).
b. City Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee:
The Commission discusses that a new Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee is being
established. Wynne states that her understanding is the Committee is primarily interested in
infrastructure and implementation.
c. Annual presentation to the City Council:
The Commission discusses that the new City Council will be sworn in in January 2024.
Benevento states that he is preparing for the Commission's annual presentation to the Council,
which he expects to do in February 2024.
Wynne: Motion to adjourn. Nicholson seconds. Motion carries unopposed.
Meeting adjourns at 10:08 a.m.
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